Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Ice cream!

What’s the food you usually refuse to share?



  • You can retest!
  • You can RESUBMIT assignments for a higher grade.
  • Check out the Unit Resource Padlet in the Resource Section, it has all the assignment resources.
  • Steps for adjusting exposure, brightness, and contrast
  • Steps for cropping and straightening an image
  • the purpose of using exposure, brightness, contrast, cropping, and straightening settings
  • You also edited a photograph using the GIMP tool or a similar photo editor.

Recap 4.1.2.


Manipulation and Post-Processing

Vocab: chroma key, digital image manipulation, double exposure, saturation, text and titling

Learners can:

  • Identify technique characteristics that are used to manipulate images digitally
  • Categorize photographs based on editing and manipulation techniques
  • Compare various types of editing software

Observe the unedited and edited photographs of the Eiffel Tower below.

Digital image manipulation is a process of manipulating, or altering, a digital image to transform it into the desired result. A variety of methods and techniques can either edit a photograph or alter it completely. One example of a field in which digital image manipulation is commonly utilized is the creation of magazine covers and albums from photographs. A single photograph may be modified to suit the project's needs, or several photographs can be combined to form a collage.

Digital Image Manipulation

Recall that you learned about capturing a multiple-exposure photograph using a DSLR camera in Unit 1. Using an editing tool, you can also create a double exposure after composing the photographs using a camera device. 🔥Double exposure or multiple exposures is an editing technique in which two or more images are layered together. Part of each picture is then masked or hidden to reveal part of the other image.

🔥 Double or Multiple Exposure

Saturation involves the image's colors and their intensity. An artist can choose to increase or decrease the saturation for the desired effect. A highly saturated photograph shows intense and vivid colors, whereas a photograph with low saturation shows gray tones. For example, the images show both extremes. The photograph on the top is a highly saturated image, while the photo on the bottom has been completely desaturated of its colors in post-production.


How to Create a Double Exposure


What do you do if the subject in your image looks good, but the background needs to be changed? Or, what if you want to change a background to increase the visual appeal of an image? Photo editing makes this possible.

Background Corrections

Chroma key is an editing technique in which two or more layers of a photo are put together based on color. Weather newscasters and movie producers use green screens as backdrops to shoot against because the color green is easy to "key" out of the background.

Chroma Key

Adding text and titling involves laying text over the top of an image. Adding text or a title to a picture can help provide additional information for clearer meaning. Image editing software allows the user to change the font, size, and color of the text.

Text and Titling


A raw image is an unprocessed image captured by your digital camera. Image editing enables you to correct a variety of things, such as exposure, noise, and focus, and to highlight essential objects to make a stunning image. Based on your editing needs, several editing software programs and tools are available for public use and are suitable for a wide range of skill levels.

🔥 Editing Software


Photoshop, by Adobe, is the industry leader in image editing software. It is an extremely powerful software program that can be used for everything from spot removal to creating one-of-a-kind images. It is a subscription service and is updated frequently.Pros: robust and powerful; used by photographers around the world Cons: expensive; challenging to learn


Polarr is a free, multiplatform image editor. It can be used as a web service or can be downloaded and used as an app on a mobile device.Pros: free, multiplatform web or mobile application; great for filters and color overlays Cons: somewhat limited in its scope and capabilities

🔥 Snapseed

Snapseed is designed by Google but can also be used on iOS platforms. Although it is limited to mobile applications, it is quite powerful and can be used for filters, lens blur, and double exposures.🔥 Pros: free; powerful; available on mobile devices; easy to use Cons: limited to mobile devices

B & D

C & A

2. Saturation

1. Double Exposure

Categorize each image based on its manipulation technique.


Summary 4.1.3.

In today's lesson, you learned:

  • Learned about image manipulation techniques such as double exposure, saturation, chroma key, and text and titling
  • Were introduced to different types of photo editing software
In an upcoming lesson, you will learn about different types of licenses in photography.

See you next time!

The edited image above looks better aligned. Notice that the horizon and the roads now look straight. Additionally, the photograph appears to have been cropped and adjusted for brightness. An increase in brightness makes the trees surrounding the Eiffel tower much more apparent.