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Mexican-American War: A conflict between the United States and Mexico, sparked by border disputes and territorial ambitions, resulting in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ceded significant territory to the United States.



Texas Revolution: A series of events, including the Battle of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto, leading to Texas gaining independence from Mexico and eventually becoming a part of the United States.


Compromise of 1850:: A set of legislative measures aimed at resolving the sectional tensions between slave and free states, including the admission of California as a free state and the strengthening of the Fugitive Slave Act.



Ostend Manifesto : A controversial document advocating the acquisition of Cuba by the U.S.

Causes of the Civil War: Period 5 in APUSH



Missouri Compromise;Legislation that temporarily maintained the balance between slave and free states by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state while prohibiting slavery north of the 36°30' parallel in the Louisiana Territory.


Webster-Ashburton Treaty: A treaty between the United States and Great Britain that settled several boundary disputes and helped to improve relations between the two nations.

Gadsden Purchase: The U.S. acquisition of land from Mexico for a transcontinental railroad.

Fugitive Slave Act:A law compelling the capture and return of escaped slaves.


Dred Scott Decision (1857): A Supreme Court ruling denying citizenship to African Americans and invalidating the Missouri Compromise.


John Brown's Raid (1859): An attempt by John Brown to incite a slave rebellion at Harpers Ferry.


Formation of the Confederate States of America (1861): Southern states' secession and the creation of the Confederacy.


Bleeding Kansas (1854-1856): Violent conflicts in Kansas over the issue of slavery.


Buchanan's Presidency (1857-1861): James Buchanan's presidency marked by sectional tensions.


Election of Abraham Lincoln (1860): Lincoln's election, causing Southern states to secede due to concerns over slavery.


Fort Sumter (1861): Confederate forces' bombardment of a federal fort, initiating the Civil War.

Causes of the Civil War: Period 5 in APUSH



Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854): Legislation allowing popular sovereignty to determine slavery's fate in territories.


Emancipation Proclamation (1863): Lincoln's declaration of freedom for slaves in Confederate-held territories.


Homestead Act (1862): Legislation providing land to settlers to encourage westward expansion.

Confiscation Acts (1861-1862): Laws allowing the confiscation of property used to support the Confederate war effort.


13th Amendment (1865): An amendment abolishing slavery throughout the United States.


Underground Railroad (c. 1830s-1860s): A network helping escaped slaves reach freedom in the North.

Causes of the Civil War: Period 5 in APUSH



American Civil War (1861-1865): A devastating conflict between North and South over slavery, sovereignty, and regional differences.


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