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Ishaan Awasthi's Dyslexia Journey

"Coloring Outside the Lines"

Ishaan is an indian child from the Bollywood movie "Like Stars on earth" (Taarem Zameen Par) who overcame a significant life challenge - dyslexia.

Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi

It affects how the brain processes language, making it difficult to recognize and decode words and spelling patterns.

Is a learning disorder that makes it challenging for individuals to read, write, and spell.


  • Dyslexia went unnoticed
  • He struggled to read an write
  • Profund impact on his self-esteem


He felt completely isolated.

Ishaan experienced a series of stages in different aspects of his life.-Family-Schools-Friendships


When suddenly, appeared the supportive art teacher "Ram Shankar".Who sees in Ishaan an unmatched universe!

+ info

Ram Shankar Nikumbh

Ram Shankar Nikumbh, employed various strategies to help Ishaan overcome his dyslexia:- Individualized instructions-Visual and creative learning-Multisensoring learning


He learnt to read and write more effectively and gained self-confidence. He even won a prestigious art competition.

Overcoming Challenges

Temporal Lobe
Occipital Lobe

What do you think were the parts of the brain that were most stimulated in Ishaan?

  • The Power of Resilience
  • Importance of support
  • Creativity as a tool
  • The Human capacity to triumph
Among others...

So, What can we learn from Ishaan?

"Like Stars on Earth" Trailer

By: Manuela Diaz


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