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Title: Bon travail!

Date: mardi 16 octobre 2023 météo: il fait beau

Learning question: How can I demonstrate my progress?

Title: Bon travail!

Date: météo:

Learning question: How can I demonstrate my progress?

Sentence builder – Bon travail!



Whole-class feedback task - Listening

waitress Singer Dancer Seller Carpenter Doctor Pilot Student Teacher Actor Painter

Whole-class feedback task - Reading

1 What does Valentin want to do when he is 16, and why? (4 details) 2 What reasons does Valentin give for choosing this profession? (2 details) 3 What does Valentin want to do on Saturdays, and why? (4 details) 4 What do Valentin and his friend both want to do after school? (1 detail) 5 What work does Valentin want to do, and why? (2 details) 6 What work does his friend want to do, and why? (3 details)

À l'âge de 16 ans, je voudrais aller au lycée et je veux étudier les langues et les maths car je voudrais être instituteur. Je veux être instituteur parce que je pense que c'est vraiment utile à la société et parce que j'adore les jeunes enfants. Mais je veux trouver un petit boulot pour le samedi car je dois gagner de l'argent de poche pour acheter des fournitures scolaires et une Mobylette. Ma copine et moi, nous voulons aussi faire du travail bénévole après les cours. Je veux travailler avec des personnes âgées parce que j'aime aider les autres. Ma copine veut travailler dans un zoo car elle adore les animaux et elle aime travailler en équipe. Valentin

  1. I want to continue at school/college.
  2. I want to study Science and History.
  3. I want to find a part-time job.
  4. I want to go to sixth form/college.
  5. I want to do an apprenticeship.
  6. I want to do some voluntary work.

What went well? Most of you showed good knowledge of key vocabulary on both tasks. Even better if: Some of you need to ensure that you answer all questions and learn new words in French.

WAGOLL Reading:

  1. Go to college/study languages and maths/wants to be a primary teacher.
  2. Really useful to society/loves young children.
  3. Find a part-time job/needs to earn pocket money/for school equipment/moped.
  4. Voluntary work.
  5. Work with old people/likes helping others.
  6. Work in a zoo/loves animals/likes working in a team.

WAGOLL Listening:

Now do this: Write down one way how you can improve your progress in French:

Class: Date: Topic/focus: Listening and Reading

Co-op Academy Walkden: Year 9 French Whole-class feedback (October 2022)

Whole-class feedback task - corrections

5 jobs 4 family members 3 places of work 2 opinions 1 phrase about your future plans

Exit ticket – Gimme 5!