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  • Teacher Behavior: The teacher will select a topic for students to debate from each other's point of view. This is an example of constructivism because the students will work with their peers to gain multiple perspectives over a specific topic

Teachers Behaviors


  • Teacher Behavior: The teacher will create a interactive kahoot game for the students. This is an exmple of constructivism because it challenges student assumptions and forces them to critically thingk

  • Teacher Behavior: The teacher will promote collaborative learning by facilitating group discussions, assigning small group assignments, and peer teaching opportunities. This is an example of constructivism because students will construct knowledge conjointly

  • Teacher Behavior: The teacher will use open-ended and intruiging questions to activate students critical thinking skills. This is an example of constructivism because students examine and reasses their preconceived ideas to gain a better understanding of a topic

-Concept: The concept represents constructivism because students are using cooperative learning with their peers to gain multiple perspectives over a specific topic.

-Concept: Kahoot is an exmple of constructivism because it challenges student assumptions and is an interactive game that will make students critically think

-Concept: The concept demonstrated is Encouraging collaboration which allows students to learn from one another, and construct knowledge conjointly

-Concept: The concept demonstrats constructivism because students will use questioning and problem solving, which causes the students to examine and reassess their preconceived ideas and gain a better understanding of a topic.

  • Teacher Behavior : The teacher will offer a variety of resources such as books, and technology platforms like nearpod, canva, etc to further support students learning and interactiveness with material. This is an example of constructivism because it keeps students both engaged and interactive with the material.

-Concept: The concept demonstrates constructivism because resources are provided that will keeps the students both engaged and interacted with the material

Student Behaviors

  • The Students will have valuable discussions about each other points of view.


  • The Students will play an interactive game like Kahoot

  • The students will complete a small group activity

  • Concept: The concept represented is cooperative learning with their peers to gain and share multiple perspectives

  • Concept: Kahoot is an example of constructivism due to it being an Interactive game that help activates student's critical thinking skills

  • Concept: The concept demonstrated is Encouraging collaboration which allows students to learn from one another, and share each other's knowledge.

Constructivist Teaching: Principles & Explanation - Study.Com, study.com/academy/lesson/constructivist-teaching-principles-explanation.html. Accessed 18 Oct. 2023.

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