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Technology-Enhanced Project-Based Learning Activity

Google Earth VirtualFieldtrip



Lesson Plan Day 3-5

Lesson Plan Day 1-2


Nine Elements of PBL


List of Standard(s)

Assessment Plan




The students will take a virtual fieldtrip to the Eiffel Tower using Google Earth 360-degree views. In addition to the Google Earth tool, a combination of videos, informational text, and visuals will be utilized to help the students learn about the history and significance of the Eiffel Tower.


MSELA-Literacy.RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue. MSELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. MSELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. Geography- 6.1 Describe the world using the tools of geography including maps, globes, and technological representations

State/Common Core Standard(s)

1.7.d Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions. 1.3.d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

ISTE Standard(s)

Level: 6th Grade StudentsSubject(s):Language Arts, Geography


• Computer with LCD to project Google Earth or Smart Board • Google Doc presentation that includes: facts, photos, videos, & open-ended questions • Google Earth tool

• KWL Chart • Virtual Fieldtrip Rubric

Materials Needed for Teacher

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• Computers or Tablets with internet access and update Chrome internet browser • Link to the teacher’s Google Doc presentation • Google Earth Tool

• Google Earth Keyboard Shortcuts handout • Digital Map Key Activity • Pen or Pencil • Notebook paper and/or notecards

Student Materials Needed:

Timeline of activities (Instructional Procedures): Day 1-2: 1. The teacher will (TTW) introduce the lesson by asking the students if they are ready to take a virtual field trip to explore the Eiffel Tower. You will travel to this location using Google Earth.2. The students will (TSW) listen as the teacher explains directions. 3. TTW tell the students to make sure to use the Chrome browser for this activity. Students using a tablet device will be instructed to use the Google Earth app. TTW explain that the Google Earth tool will provide them with 360-degree views. 4. TSW be allowed to ask questions and receive assistance if needed before beginning the virtual tour. 5. TTW instruct the students to click the ‘Launch Google Earth” tab location in the Google Doc presentation. 6. TSW listen and follow the teacher’s instruction as she provide guidance using the Smart Board to demonstrate what the students should do. 7. TTW model and explain how students should use the search bar to type in the school’s name and address. TTW explain that this is class’s starting location. Next, TTW instruct the student to use the search bar to type in France. 8. TSW will explore France, then locate and explore Eiffel Tower (one of the points of interest located in France. 9. TTW give the students 3-5 minutes to explore. The students will be directed to answer the questions located on slide 4 of the Google Doc presentation. 10. TSW type and submit their answers to the following questions: - What do you know about the Eiffel Tower. - What questions do you have about the Eiffel Tower, or what are you wondering?

Lesson Plan

11. TTW select a volunteer student to read slide 5 “Where is France?” of the presentation that provide information about France. 12. TSW read the information on page 6 of the titled “On the Map”. TSW be instructed to locate Paris on the map by dragging and dropping the star onto the map to label Paris. 13. TTW have the students view the remainder of the Google Doc presentation slides (#7-23) independently. 14. TSW view click view on slide 7 to view the buildings and structures located in Paris, France. Slide 8 provides them knowledge about the “City of Lights” and a link for them to tour. Students will read the information provided about the Eiffel Tower then click on the link to watch video. Slide 12 provides students with information about the construction of the Eiffel Tower and a link for students to view a YouTube video titled: “Paris’ Iron Lady”. 15. TSW use the internet to research public concerns regarding the construction of the Eiffel Tower when it was built. TSW write these in their notebook or on index cards. 16. Students will type and submit answers to the following questions on slide 14 of the presentation: - What information challenged or supported your prior knowledge of the Eiffel Tower? - What did you find most interesting or surprising from your observations? Why?

Lesson Plan- (Day 1-2 Continued)

1. TTW introduce the lesson: Eiffel Tower Virtual Tower 2. TSW share and explain what they have discovered and learn thus far. 3. TTW have a volunteer to read information provided about hydraulic lifts used to give people access to levels of the tower. 4. TSW watch video “ Eiffel Tower-Drive system renovation of the West Elevator” projected on the Smart Board. 5. TTW have the students to type and submit their response to the following questions in Google Doc: - Why was preserving the “heritage” of the lift system important to the modernization process? - The modernization of the lift system was a team effort with people from differing backgrounds and cultures. Why was this collaboration important? 6. TSW use links provided in Google Slides to: - Look around the Observational Deck - Explore Champ De Mars - Read information about how the Eiffel Tower was used for broadcasting and its significance during World War 1 and World War II - View video about how scientists used the tower for their research. - View video about tourism 7. TTW have the students to type and submit their answers to the following questions: - The Eiffel Tower is considered a national symbol of France. In what ways has this structure played an important role in the history of this country? - The Eiffel Tower faced its longest closure since World War II during the Coronavirus pandemic. Based on the video, what are some of the changes to tourism and the impact since its closure?Reflection: TTW have the students go back to the questions they asked at the start of the virtual field trip. What answers did you find? What new questions does this virtual field trip raise? Day 5: 1. TSW complete Eiffel Tower Comprehension Quiz

Lesson Plan- (Day 3-4 & 5)

1. TTW & TSW explore the Virtual Field Trip to experience The Eiffel Tower’s rich history. 2. TTW use the discussion questions to assess student understanding of the social studies content and application of reading and speaking skills. 3. TSW demonstrate comprehension and skills by answering the discussion questions included in virtual field trip. 4. TTW use the following informal/formal assessment to check for understanding: - Teacher Observation Student Participation (verbal/nonverbal responses) - Students’ written responses to discussion questions Independent Assignments (See the attached rubric for grading) Comprehension Quiz

Assessment Plan

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1. ANCHOR: (set, hook, focus activity- KWL, youtube video of 360 degrees view of Eiffel Tower) 2. TASK: TTW explain the learning expectations to students, what they will be completing (see lesson plan)3. DIRECTIONS: TTW tell students what tools should be used to complete activity (ex. google map), the steps that should be taken, and when they should work on assigned points of interests (see lesson plan)4. STUDENT CHOICES: students will decide how they will locate points of interests and determine what they'd like to learn.5. STUDENT INQUIRY: students will research information, 6. COLLABORATION/TEAMWORK: TSW work 7. TEACHER COACHING & FEEDBACK: TTW model and guide students throughout the process and provide feedback. TTW use discussions to help monitor and check for understanding. (see Assessment plan)8. STUDENT REFLECTION: TSW go back to the questions they asked at the start of the activity and tell what answers did they find.9. PUBLIC PRESENTATION: Students will volunteer to share what they found interesting using google earth or google doc presentation.

Nine Elements of Project-Based Learning

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