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Economoics Theme Module Project

By: Mariah Garcia

Metaphor Mood Board Challenge

Lesson Plan Objective: Discuss The Predigious Stagecoach metaphor

Summary: The first metaphor I chose was the relationship between the rich and the poor in the late 1800s. Bellamy explains how the rich unapologetically came out on top despite how hard the poor were working comparing it with a prodigious couch, “I compare society as it then was to a prodigious couch which the masses of humanity were harnessed to and dragged toilsomely along a very hilly and sandy road.” I inserted six pictures symbolizing how the rich had everything they ever wanted right at their fingertips while the poor were left with little to nothing despite working so hard to make something out of themselves. The first picture on the top left represents the 1% having the whole world in their hands with the 99% behind them with nothing. The picture to the right of that explains that both wealth and poverty were passed down through generations in the late 1800s. It was a generational curse or blessing that couldn't be broken no matter how hard you tried. The last four pictures all represent how the rich saw the poor struggling but didn't do anything to help. They had it all and then some, but wouldn't help the poor. There's the picture with the apple trees. One tree fully flourishing with apples representing the rich, while the other one is dead with no apples representing the poor. The two men in these pictures are looking at each other, fully aware of how the other person is living, yet the rich doesn't give the poor any of their apples or help the poor bring their tree back to life so they can enjoy apples too. The bottom left photo is showing the rich keeping the poor out of their perfect rich island. The picture next to that is the rich eating a burger with the poor underneath starving trying to pick up any crumbs they might've left behind and the last picture to the right is another representation of the last photo but with the world and money instead of food. All these photos explain the social and economic inequalities in the nineteenth century. How the gap between the rich and the poor was so large that only the privileged few had opportunities for wealth and power and those priviledged few would do anything to keep that wealth and power even if it meant the poor were hungry, cold, and naked.

Questions: Ask the students questions first to get them talking

  • What do these pictures symbolize to you?
  • How does each picture represent the rich from the poor?
  • Which picture stands out the most to you? Why?
  • Explain what each picture is trying to tell you?
  • Do you believe what they're trying to say in these photos still applies today?
  • How do you think this fits into the novel "Looking Backward?" Give examples from the story.
After they finish answering, they should've hit every point in the summary, read summary if there's anything they missed

Lesson Plan Objective: Discuss the Industrial Army metaphor

Questions: Ask the students questions first to get them talking

  • What message are these pictures saying to you?
  • How are opportunities being represented in these pictures? How has this changed since the first metaphor?
  • How are people working together in these pictures? How is this different than the first metaphor?
  • Which picture sticks out the most to you? Why?
  • What does job equality have to do with job satisfaction?
  • How do time and money correlate? Give examples from the novel "Looking Backward."
After they finish answering, they should've hit every point in the summary, read summary if there's anything they missed

Summary: The second metaphor I chose was "The Industrial Army." I really wanted to emphasize how Bellamy gave everyone equal economic opportunities which in return allowed everyone to work together as one instead of against each other. I chose six pictures that symbolized equal job opportunities that encouraged working together and job satisfaction. As everyone knows by now, the Industrial Army is a job system that Bellamy created in "Looking Backward" to give everyone the same opportunities. Everyone picked their own occupation based on their skills and interest and worked from 21 to 45. Everyone had equal opportunites and equal salary and that is why I chose the Equality picture, it represents how everything was equal making everyone equal. The four corner pictures all represent working together through the ranking system set in place and job satisfaction. Because everyone was able to choose their own job they were encouraged to do well in them. They worked together through the ranking system for honor and respect instead of wealth and power. The clock with money picture represented the "time is money," which is a huge concept in Bellamy's book. Because everyone had the same pay, the hours you worked were based on how difficult and unwanted the job is. The occupations that attracted a lot of workers, worked longer hours than the occupations no one wanted. It made "time is money" real in the novel. Bellamy created a utopia designed to change how the late 1800s society was. He wanted the economic and social status to change and The Industrial Army did just that.