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La República Dominicana

Unidad 6

In this lesson you will learn to: • talk about sports • talk about whom you know • talk about what you knowYou will learn how to use: • the verb jugar • the verbs saber and conocer • the personal a


tu deporte favorito


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synonyms of the verb TO KNOW



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Stem Changing Verbs

~ Talk about parts of the body ~ Make excuses ~ Say what you did~ Talk about staying healthy


La Salud


What is the preterit?

El Pretérito

-AR Conjugation

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when to use the preterit?

Trigger words


El Pretérito IRREGULAR

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer

  • List of -Car - Gar - Zar verbs ➡



Sacar Pagar Almorzarsaqué sacamos pagué pagamos almorcé almorzamossacaste sacasteis pagaste pagasteis almorzaste almorzasteissacó sacaron pagó pagaron almorzó almorzaron

Car ~ sacar Gar ~ pagar Zar ~ almorzar

The changes only occurs in the YO (1st person singular) in order to stay true to the sound of the verb.


Conocer: to know of A To know of … Conozco Conocemos Conoces Conocéis Conoce Conocen

Saber: to know about (sobre/de) trigger words:Que, Qué, Quién, Dónde, Cuándo Cuál, Por qué To KNOW a fact. To KNOW specifics, skills and abilities. Sé Sabemos Sabes Sabéis Sabe Saben

ayer = yesterday anteayer = the day before yesterday anoche = last night el lunes por la noche = Monday night el otro día = the other day esta mañana/ tarde = this morning/afternoondespués = afterwardsel mes/año pasado = last month/yearentonces = thenhace dos días/años = two days ago/years agola semana pasada = last weekel fin de semana pasado = last weekend

A stem-changing verb is, as its name implies, a verb in which the stem changes. But what is a stem? The stem of a verb is what is left after we take off the –ar, -er, or –ir. How do we know if it is a stem changer? The infinitive is usually followed by the change in parentheses. For example: Jugar (ue) Perder (ie) Servir (i) There are several types of changes that we will look at: *e-ie (most common)e-i *o-ue (most common)u-ue

The verb Jugar ( to play a sport or a board game) takes on the personal A. Because most sports are masculine, you will often see al proceed the conjugation of the verb. For Example: Tú juegas al tenis. Yo juego al voleibol. Ellos juegan al monopoly. Nosotros jugamos a las escondidas.

The preterite tense is used to refer to actions in the past that are:* Performed a specific number of times. ex. Visité a Portugal dos veces. * Actions that occurred at a fixed point in time. ex. A las 10:30 de la noche me cepillé los dientes. * To state the beginning or the end of an action.ex. El verano pasado visité a Florida* Actions that are part of a chain of events.ex. Por la tarde, terminé mi tarea, hablé con mis amigas y por fin miré mi serie favorita.

Conjugation: Juego JugamosJuegas Jugáis Juega Juegan

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É AMOS ASTE ASTEIS Ó ARON * Don’t forget to add the accents. Ex. Ayer mi hermanito miró la tele.

Generally speaking, the preterite is used for actions in the past that are seen as completed. Preterite tells us specifically when an action took place. If the action is in the past, and you can determine precisely when it occurred, or how many times it occurred, then you will use the preterite.

E-I STEM CHANGERSCompetir- to compete *Decir- to tell/to say Pedir- to ask for/ to order Repetir- to repeat *Seguir- to follow Servir- to serve Reír- to laugh Sonreír- to smile

O-UE STEM CHANGERS Contar - to count Costar - to cost Almorzar - to have lunch Recordar - to remember Mostrar - to show Encontrar - to find/to meet (encounter) Poder - to be able to Envolver - to wrap Volver - to return to a place Devolver - to return an item Morir - to die Dormir - to sleep

E-IE STEM CHANGERS Comenzar- to begin/to commence Empezar- to begin/ to start Pensar- to think Cerrar- to close Perder- to lose Querer- to want *Tener- to have Entender- to understand Mentir- to lie Preferir- to prefer Sentir- to feel/to regret *Venir- to come