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Declaring your genius and recognizing genre

5. 9.5(A)

4. 9.4(F)

8. 9.7

3. 9.1(D)

7. 9.5(G)

2. 9.1(A)

6. 9.5(E)

1. 9.7

Lesson Standards

  • After learning about the genre of argumentative texts, students will be able to identify and describe characteristics of letters, essays, theories, research articles, and speeches.


Today, we will explore different literary genres and learn how to recognize and categorize them.

Learning Intention

  • Successfully identifying the genre of texts.
  • Demonstrating understanding of genre characteristics.
  • Applying knowledge to analyze real-world texts.

Success criteria

Language Objective

I will discuss and describe different genres using appropriate academic language and vocabulary.

Do you think academic success is an accurate measure of intelligence?
  1. Yes. Many types of intelligence can be reflected in tests and classwork
  2. Yes. Classes like P.E. and art allow students with those gifts to excel.
  3. No. Standardized tests can’t demonstrate all types of intelligence.
  4. No. Some gifts, like intrapersonal intelligence, simply can’t be measured.

Warm Up: Quick Poll

Answer the poll in the chat. Remember! There is not a "right or wrong" answer!

Are you left-brained or right brained? A visual thinker or a spatial thinker? Maybe you have a knack for reading and writing. Maybe you’re more of a science person. How do we measure these different qualities? If you’re a math whiz, but your friend is unstoppable on the soccer field, who is more intelligent?As it turns out, intelligence may not easily narrow down into just two or three categories. In 1983, a psychologist named Howard Gardner proposed that there were nine types of intelligence.Gardner’s nine intelligences were verbal-linguistic, mathematical-logical, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and existential. The first two, verbal-linguistic and mathematical-logical, were once thought to be the basic expressions of intelligence in students. They are the easiest to test. However, Gardner’s other types of intelligence can also affect how we understand the world.Students who are musically intelligent will easily pick up on the pitch and rhythm of sounds. Students with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are physically gifted. They can coordinate their minds with their bodies. Those with visual-spatial intelligence aren’t just artistically talented — they also can often visualize 3-D structures. They may be more aware of architecture. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to communicate with others around you, and understand how they feel. This is a valuable life skill. It can be improved through group activities.The intelligences mentioned above might seem straightforward. Some intelligences are harder to pin down. Naturalistic intelligence is an understanding of the natural world. It is expressed through the care of animals, recognition of plants, and awareness of the weather and outdoors. Existential intelligence is the ability to reflect on deep questions. Existentially intelligent people think about things like the meaning of life, why we are born and die, and who we are. Asking questions like these allow us to understand our purpose in life, and can help us find a sense of peace. Finally, intrapersonal intelligence is similar to existential intelligence, in that it is a quiet, reflective form of thinking. Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to

Instructions: You will write an initial response to the driving question: How do you define intelligence? Write as much as you need at this point because you will be crafting a 140 character response to the Blast.

Compose your Blast Response

know yourself, how you feel, and what you want. This form of intelligence can help you set goals. Little research has been done to confirm Gardner’s theory. Still, his ideas are popular. That’s because they emphasize that not everybody shows intelligence in the same way. Even though you might need to work harder in one area, you are probably naturally gifted in other areas. Paying attention to your own areas of intelligence can help you decide what kinds of careers you might like. Which of Gardner’s nine intelligences do you have? How can different types of intelligence help you contribute to society? What do you think is the best measure of intelligence? How do you define intelligence?

Argumentative text presents a writer or speaker’s claim, or position on a debatable issue or problem, and attempts to persuade others to agree with it. In order to support the claim, the writer or speaker constructs an argument made up of reasons why the claim is valid and evidence in the form of details, facts, examples, statistics, and expert opinions. An argument also includes rhetorical appeals called logos (logic), pathos (emotion), and ethos (ethics). Logical appeals include sound reasons and evidence, emotional appeals attempt to provoke strong feelings, and ethical appeals establish the writer or speaker’s credibility.A typical argumentative text structure, or organizational pattern, includes an engaging introduction that builds to a claim, body paragraphs that include reasons and evidence, and a strong conclusion that restates the claim and leaves a lasting impression. Effective arguments also include a counter argument, or a section in which the writer or speaker acknowledges a point made by the opposition and makes a rebuttal, or an attempt to disprove it.Argumentative writing can take many forms, including essays, speeches, editorials, and letters. Any time a person puts pen to paper to express an opinion and convince others to share it, he or she is writing an argument.*Watch StudySync Video

Argumentative Text

5. evidence

11. text structure

10. rhetorical appeal

4. ethos

9. rebuttal

8. reason

3. counter argument

7. pathos

2. claim

6. logos

1. argumentative text


Intro. to Argumentative Essay

Features: Like other argumentative texts, the purpose of an argumentative letter is to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s point of view. It is usually addressed to a specific person or group whom the writer wishes to convince and may call for a specific action the writer wishes the addressee to take. An open letter is addressed to a specific person or group but is intended to be read by a wider audience.


Type of Argumentative Text

Features: In an argumentative essay, the writer takes a position on a debatable issue and then supports the position with reasons, evidence, and appeals to logic, ethics, and emotions. Effective essays acknowledge and attempt to disprove counter arguments. A point/counterpoint article presents two essays with opposing positions on the same topic or issue.


Type of Argumentative Text

Features: When writers put forth a theory and defend it with evidence and reasons, they are engaging in argumentative writing. The theory is their claim. Their purpose in writing is to use evidence and logic to convince readers of their theory’s validity. Theoretical arguments acknowledge counter arguments and use evidence and reason to attempt to refute those arguments.


Type of Argumentative Text

Features: The purpose of a research article is to advance knowledge in a particular field of research by making a personal contribution. The writer presents his or her own research-based perspective and argues how this perspective contributes to knowledge in the field. Research articles address existing arguments and present evidence that either agrees with or refutes those arguments.

Research Article

Type of Argumentative Text

Features: An argumentative speech is a speech that attempts to convince an audience to adopt the speaker’s point of view. In convocation remarks, the speaker typically uses his or her own experience or as a basis for motivating and inspiring the graduates.


Type of Argumentative Text
