Learning Theories
Lorena Jauregui-Villa
Created on October 14, 2023
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Learning Theories
Adult Learning Theory
Major Theorist
Role of Memory
According to Vygotsky's theory, children possess basic mental skills like perception and memory from birth, and social interactions help these skills grow into higher mental functions. However, the kind of memory approach we use depends on our culture. (Mcleod, 2023).
How Learning Occurs
Learning occurs through social interactions. According to Vygotsky, learners are inquisitive and actively engaged in their own learning. Through social interactions, many times with someone more knowledgeable, learners discover and create new understandings or schemas. (Mcleod, 2023)
Types of Learning
Major Theorists
Major Theorists
How Learning Occurs
Learning occurs through active social interactions by learners building new ideas based on previous ones. Through interactions, including social media, learners can get a deeper understanding of others' perspectives, as well. Siemens and Downes mention nodes (source of information) and links (bridge that connects) in order for learning to occur. (Kurt, 2023)
Role of Memory
Connectivism makes it a point that knowledge is not located in one central location, rather it is like a network systems that depends on connections. Those connections are changing and new ones are created because of the changing times. It if more focused on interpreting information based on what was previously learned, but that also changes with the changing times. (Kurt, 2023)
Types of Learning
How Learning Occurs
Adult learners learn best when they can apply it or connect it to themselves. It needs to have a logical and practical purpose, as well as include real-life issues to have a meaningful impact on adults and be able to retain the information. For adults, memorizing information is not as pertinent as problems they can relate to and actually apply the solution. (Kurt, 2020)
Types of Learning
Role of Memory
Knowles theorized that older learners cannot process, comprehend or retain information in the same way that children can, meaning adults must learn differently than children do (Fairbanks, 2021). Adult priorities are different which means purposes for learning are different.
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Characteristics of Adult Learning Theory
Knowles' Andragogy Learning Theory consists of Five Assumptions that need to be considered when thinking about adult learners1) Self-concept: As adults mature they become independent, relying less on others.2)Experience: As adults grow, they gain experience and use that experience as a tool in learning.3) Readiness to learn: Adults mindset and priorities change when realizing their role in society. 4) Orientation to learning: Maturity changes behavior and perspective making adults be active participants in their life by solving their own problems. 5) Motivation to learn: Maturity also brings self-reflection on what adults want for themselves and that drives their motivation to grow. (Kurt, 2020)
Types of Learning
Using technology in classrooms where students are the primary agents of their own learning. Teachers are there to guide them through their learning process. This may include project based learning and collaborative learning groups where students may use online simulations, or even social media as their sources of learning. Then they may create their knowledge based on their interactions and how they interpret those interactions.
Characteristics of Connectivism Learning Theory
Connectivism acknowledges that technology plays a significant role in education and that staying connected all the time allows us to make decisions about how we learn. It also encourages group debate and participation, allowing for a variety of opinions and points of view when it comes to making decisions, solving problems, and interpreting data. Connectivism promotes learning through blogs, social media, internet networks, and information databases.(Kurt, 2023)
Allman, B. (2020). Socioculturalism. In R. Kimmons & S. Caskurlu (Eds.), The students' guide to learning design and research. EdTech Books. https://edtechbooks.org/studentguide/socioculturalism Fairbanks, B. (2021, August, 24). 7 adult learning theories and principles to enhance your education. University of Phoenix. https://www.phoenix.edu/blog/adult-learning-theories-principles.html Kurt, S. (2020, June 30). Andragogy theory – Malcolm Knowles. Educational Technology. https://educationaltechnology.net/andragogy-theory-malcolm-knowles/ Kurt, S. (2023, September 25). Connectivism learning theory. Educational Technology. https://educationaltechnology.net/connectivism-learning-theory/ Loveless, B. (2023, April 14). 15 Learning theories in education (a complete summary). Education Corner. https://www.educationcorner.com/learning-theories-in-education/ Mcleod, S. (2023, July 26). Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of cognitive development. Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/vygotsky.html Rivera, G. (2021, November 10). Sociocultural learning theory. EdApp. https://www.edapp.com/blog/sociocultural-learning-theory/
Types of Learning
Adults prefer to understand the "why" when learning something in particular. Lessons or questions that are applicable to their life are also more meaningful for adults. This way adults can then use self-directed, hands-on, and project-based types of learning. (Fairbanks, 2021)
George Siemens
Connectivism suggests that students should embrace the integration of ideas, theories, and information that they encounter when using contemporary technology in order to learn efficiently.Siemens focuses on the social dimensions and interactions aspect of connectivism, while Downes focuses on the AI aspect.(Kurt, 2023)
Major Theorists
Stephen Downes
Credited for popularizing the term andragogy, given for adult learning. He focused on benefits of both formal and informal adult education, although concentrated more on informal education later in his life. (Kurt, 2020)
Malcolm Knowles
Types of Learning
1) Collaborative Learning - Learning in groups or partners helps with understanding different perspectives. But also helps those that are lower than others build up to their ZPD. 2)Flipped Learning Environment - Information is given prior to actual teaching, giving more time to process and understand material by having discussion with others or with instructor. Key is to focus on one aspect. 3) Game-based Learning - Games that are within learners ZPD to pike interest and engagement. (Rivera, 2021)
Characteristics of Sociocultural Learning Theory
Based on three major aspects:1) Social interaction plays an important role in learning - Socializing and collaborating with others help with internalizing the shared experiences. Learners acquire the necessary tool or strategies needed for that experience. 2) Language is an essential tool in the learning process - Learners acquire language depending on culture but also learn that it is used to communicate with others and construct meaning. (most famous of all)3) Learning occurs within the Zone of Proximal Development - The zone where learning actually takes place. Learning is dependent on the learners development stage, as well as their potential learning stage, meaning that learning should be differentiated. (Allman, 2020)
Vygotsky believed that social interactions is a key part in the learning process. However, unlike Piaget, he believed that culture has a huge influence on how learning occurs which means everyone learns differently (Loveless, 2023).
Lev Vygotsky
1896 - 1934