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The information in this presentation gives a small glimpse into Abraham's life and his home in Mesopotamia before YHwH called him out.

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Ancient Mesopotamia

Mesopotamian Clothing in ancient era.

The civilizations that developed in Mesopotamia near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers between 3000 and 300 b.c.e. developed impressive skills for fashioning clothing.It indicates that a thriving textile or fabric industry existed in the early civilizations of Mesopotamia.

The northern Mesopotamian sites of Tell Hassuna and Jarmo, Near-East where pottery has been found, appeared in the most recent levels of excavation, which dates it to the 7th millennium BC.This pottery is handmade, of simple design and with thick sides, and treated with a vegetable solvent.

It might come as a surprise, but during those times women, men and children all wore jewelry. Every member of the society, despite their class and race, wore some form of decorative item or an amulet on them at all times. Unlike some of the other ancient civilizations, jewelry was not exclusive to the royals.

Ancient Mesopotamians created many tools including cutlery, cookware, plows, bowls, the potter's wheel, drills, bows, arrows and spears.

abraham's connection to Mesopotamia

  • Abraham, a Semite living in the northern Mesopotamian city of Haran is the son of Terah, who comes from the city Ur in southern Mesopotamia. Yahweh visits Abraham around 1950 B.C.E., telling him to leave Haran around 1950 B.C.E.. At that time the Mesopotamian region was heading into chaos.
  • Abraham travels west to Shechem, where Yahweh visits again, giving the land to Abram and his heirs.


  • Did you know Abram, who is later called Abraham was a native of Ur in Mesopotamia?


  • Ancient Mesopotamia is considered the birthplace of writing according to recorded history. It's people built the worlds first cities and developed the oldest known political and administrative systems, mostly centered in what is now Iraq.

  • The early Hebrews were a nomadic tribal groups whose society structured their lives around a rigid hierarchy. Their relationship with God was a kinship relationship: anybody outside the kinship structure was not included in the special relationship with the almighty. Atop the kinship hierarachy is the tribal leader, or "patriarch" meaning "father-ruler"
  • the early hebrewa, it is believed, did not practice a religion having to so with the Yahwist. moses, the hevrew history says, is the first to hear the name of god, yhwh. hebraic accounts of the patriarchs refer to God as "elohim" , "el shadia" aka god almighty, and other variants.
  • at the end of the patriarchal age, several tribes claim a common ancestor and a common idenity, though their name is not known. the term hebrew likely comes from the egyptian word "apiru." or "foreigner."

Nomadic=Living the life of a nomad; wandering.someone who lives by traveling from place to place



6 Fun Facts about Abraham

1. Abraham was already an old man when Yahweh called him to leave his home. -75 years of age.2.Abraham was raised by Idol-worshiping parents. (Joshua 24:2)3.Abraham's lies about Sarah being his sister weren't exactly lies.(Genesis 20:12)4.Abraham was the tenth-generation decendant of Noah.5.Abraham helped usher in a promised nation and promised land, but all he ever owned was a burial site.6.Isaac and Ishmael had six half-brothers.(Genesis 25:2)


  • In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great captured Babylon and incorporated Mespotamia into the Persian Empire.
  • Greek and Parthian rule followed, and by about AD 100 Mesopotamian culture had effectively come to an end.