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teacher Academy


3. Observations & Lunch



2. Classroom Management


5. Parent Communication


4. Observation Debrief


1. Check In


6. CLosing/reflection/goals


Table Top Reflection

What are you really good at as a teacher?

What do you wish you knew more about when it comes to teaching?

What's been harder than you thought it would be?

What would your students say is their favorite part of your class?

WHere are you?

Stages of Learning

1. Unconcious Incompetence - "I don't know what I don't know. "2. Conscious Incompetence - " I know that I don't know."3. Conscious Competence - " I know how to do it, but I have to concentrate on my task."4. Unconscious Competence - "I know it so well, I don't have to think about it."

Tricking Your Brain into LEarning

Super Mario Effect

Super Mario Effect

How can you apply the Super Mario Effect to your current stage of learning?

Classroom Management

MaintainingPOsitive Student Behavior

What do you do if they chooste not to cooperate with your wonderful rules?

Effective Behavior Management

Discipline - to "train"; The discipline plan is our tool when a problem has occurred - when we must hold a student accountable for the choices he/she has made. Misbehavior - anything a student does that interferes with:

  • your ability to teach & conduct class
  • thier ability to learn
  • other's ability to learn

"I'm holding you accountable for the choices you've made"


"I'll make you pay for that."


"I'm afraid of you, so do whatever you want."


Teacher Attitude

Effective teachers exhibit compassiontate assertiveness. They are the adults in charge. You are responsible for the safety and learning for all of the children in your room. No matter what kind of day you are having as the teacher, never let it interfere with the way you interact with your students.

When a student misbehaves, remember it is not a crime, but a problem to be solved. Avoid being harsh, using sarcasm, raising your voice, becoming angry, lecturing, making threats or rude comments. Remember you are working with kids; you are the adult. Your job is to train them and model respect.





Discipline Management Intervention







Eye Contact

Standard Operating Procedure

When a student misbehavies, always intervene at the lowest possible level that still holds the student accountable and allows you to continue teaching. This is our SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) when someone is off task or occasionally misbehaves. This is not the plan when there is an emergency or major problem.


When you need to intervene, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does the student know what to do, when to do, why to do, how to do and where to do what you want him/her to do?
    • if yes, then you must hold them accountable
    • If no, then you teach them what, when, why, how and where
  • Why is the student misbehaving?
    • discovering the reason for misbehavior is the beginning of changing the behavior and preventing future problems
    • sometimes behaviors that look like discipline problems are something else entirely

Scenarios rotate to the right and are repeated so that each person in the group has at least one chance at ech role.

Paraphrase, repeat, check, clarify #3's answer


Respond to the scenario.


Read the scenario to your group.


Fan out the scenarios and offer them to #2



"I can't, why try!"

Avoidance of Failure

"I'm angry and going to take it out on you!"


"You can't make me"

Power Seeking

"Look at me"

Attention Seeking

4 Reasons for Misbehavior




Working with Parents & families

What parents expect...

Ask my advice about my child

Alert me if my child is struggling

Let me know how I can help

Provide fair & consistent discipline

Promote success for my child

Provide a safe learning environment

Tips for Working with Parents & Families

Know my child

Be available & me informed

Know your curriculum

Set up clear expectations

  • Always show professionalism and respect, even if the parent does not.
  • Teachers myst earn the respect and support of parents; you can't assume they'll respect you just because you are a teacher.


  • be compassionate
  • modify schedule to accomodate parent if possible

Overwhelmed Parent

  • listen, but be clear about standards for all children
  • send hoome enrichment work
  • give parents areas to assist child

Over-Impressed Parent

  • meet with parent with other teachers/team
  • document accurately
  • have colleagues observe student

Over-to-You Parent

  • be professional
  • call that person by Mr./Mrs. in front of child
  • never give any infomration to a parent about anyone other than their child
  • avoid rumors and gossips
  • let them nkkow when your conference period is for calls

Over-Familiar Parent

  • document accurately and continue to try and contact
  • do not give up
  • do not punish the child for his parent

Under-Involved Parent

  • Give them specific tasks and times
  • Meet them at the door
  • Involve them in tasks away from the room
  • Seek help from the office or your mentor

Over-Involved Parent

Clear, consistent communication is the #1 way to build a positive relationship with your parents and families!!

Phone Calls


Parent Portal

Notes home

class website



Remind 101


What do you have the most questions on?

What are you most confident about from today's learning?

Most QUestions

Most Confident