Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Presented By:Amani Alharbi, Eakanut Nuangjumnong, Raunak, Praneeth Paul, Kartik Chhikara, Jiajun Ying.

The solution

06 · Q&A

05 · Conclusion.

04 · Solutions.

03 · Problem.

02 · Situation.

01 · The case.


01 · The case.

(Leach, 2023b)

"Photo-Ltd is a manufacturer of photographic products".

(Leach, 2023b)

Several types of machines need a variety of maintenance.

Provided training for the employees.

Managers decided to redesign operators' jobs.

operators involvement was prohibited.

02 · Situation.

(Leach, 2023b)



Operators calls for the maintenanceengineers

No changes in the performance

03 · Problem.

(Leach et al., 2013 cited in Leach, 2023a)

Measurement of uncertainty

More autonomy to make decisions and control the work approaches, means more ability to deal with unpredictable issues in work (Cordery et al., 2010).Empowerment improves performance when uncertainty is high (Wall et al., 2002).Principle of "control of variance at source" from sociotechnical systems theory (Leach, 2023).

more control

04 · Solutions.

(Leach et al., 2013 cited in Leach, 2023b

Measurement of uncertainty

"higher levels of uncertainty, increasing job control (i.e., an increase in decision-making authority over primary task execution) is appropriate because it provides an opportunity for employees to learn about tasks and requirements, leading to improved job performance" (Wall et al., 2002, cited in Leach et al., 2013)

more control

04 · Solutions.


Marley's and Kersting (2021) findings showed that providing individuals with relative performance information feedback leads to higher levels of task satisfaction and performance compared to providing individuals with outcome feedback.

04 · Solutions.

1- The JCM (Job Characteristics Model) emphasizes the importance of providing employees with meaningful and engaging work. When operators experience higher levels of engagement and control over the machines, they become more predictable, productive, and committed.2- Feedback is an important element for employees as it provides them with knowledge of their performance outcomes. This knowledge helps them measure their competence and achievements.

05 · Conclusion.

Thank you!

Cordery, J.L., Morrison, D., Wright, B.M. & Wall, T.D. (2010) The impact of autonomy and task uncertainty on team performance: A longitudinal field study. Journal of organizational behavior. 31 (2-3), 240–258. doi:10.1002/job.657.Leach, D., Hagger-Johnson, G., Doerner, N., Wall, T., Turner, N., Dawson, J. and Grote, G. 2013. Developing a measure of work uncertainty. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology. 86(1), pp.85–99.Leach, D. 2023a. Job design II. [Power Point accessed through Minerva]. LUBS5961M Behaviour in Organisations. Teaching organisation.Leach, D. 2023b. Seminar 2 - job redesign (part 1) background info. [Microsoft Word document accessed through Minerva]. LUBS5961M Behaviour in Organisations. Teaching organisation. Marley, R. and Kersting, L. 2021. Task satisfaction: the effect of relative performance information versus outcome feedback. International journal of productivity and performance management. 70(8), pp.2281–2293. Wall, T.D., Cordery, J.L. and Clegg, C.W. 2002. Empowerment, Performance, and Operational Uncertainty: A Theoretical Integration. Applied psychology. 51(1), pp.146–169.
