Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Choice board for fifth grade chapter books.

More creations to inspire you


Choice Board


Important Events

Board Game

Comprehsion Questions

Journal Entry

Canva Poster

Free Choice

Comic Strip

Dictionary Look UP!


Make a Quiz

Character Sketch

Just Ask!



Design a timeline with the important events from the story.Must need:

  • Timeline
  • Basic details of events
  • A few pictures to go with events
  • Correct spelling




Step 2

Subtitle here

+ info

Step 4

Subtitle here

+ info

Subtitle here

+ info

Step 1

Step 3

Subtitle here

+ info

Board Game

Create a board game with comprehension questions.Must need:

  • Enough questions to get across the board.
  • Board (Can just be paper)
  • Rules
  • Dice or a spinner?
  • Make it colorful
  • You can use the computer, as well. (Check into storybookthat.com)
  • Correct spelling, punctuation, and complete sentences

Journal Entry

  • Write a journal in the perspective of the main character.
  • Make it athentic by creating a journal.
(If you want construction paper, just ask)
  • You can make it on the computer as well.

Must need:

  • At least 5 - 10 entries
  • Correct punctuation, spelling, and complete sentences
  • Dates, description, and details from the book

Canva Poster

Create a poster that represents your book and tell why others should read it too!Must need:

  • Pictures relating to the book
  • Make it eye catching
  • Convince your readers that they need to read this book.
  • Title, author, at least a paragraph
  • Correct spelling, punctuation, complete sentences

Free Choice

Do you have an idea that you would like to see if you can do ? Ask. :D

Comic Strip

Create your own comic strip with the important events from the story. Free draw or use a computer.

Must need:

  • Scenes from the book
  • 5 - 6 boxes
  • Dialogue
  • Correct spelling, punctuation, colorful, and full sentences.
  • Usually funny :D

Create a Comic Strip

Dictionary Look Up!

Pick a word from each chapter that you didn’t know or fully know and look it up in the dictionary then write or type it.Must need:

  • One vocabulary word for each chapter.
  • Vocabulary word should be bolded.
  • The correct definition for the story.
  • Correct spelling and punctuation.

Kahoot Game

Create a Kahoot GameWrite a question for each chapter. Then after reading the book create your Kahoot!"

Must need:

  • A question for each chapter.
  • A poll at the end.
  • Correct spelling, punctuation, and full sentences.

Character Sketch

Use details from the book and draw a picture for one of the main characters. Write the details on your paper.

Must need:

  • Character sketch
  • Written details of the discription of the character.
  • Correct spelling, punctuation, and complete sentences.