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Research paper on senior citizens and fintech


Author 1: Dr. LakshmanAuthor 2: Utkarsh GuptaAuthor 3: Eshank H JainAuthor 4: Aashit Jain

Influence of Emerging Marketing Trends among Senior Citizens with Reference to Fintech Company in India

Team Members

Introduction to Research

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KEYWORDS: Fintech, Financial Inclusion, Fintech Among Senior citizens

  • Impact of emerging fintech marketing trends on senior citizens in India.
  • Analyzing senior citizen demographics, financial needs, and technology adoption.
  • Assessing fintech's role in transforming financial inclusion.
  • Exploring marketing trends like digital strategies and personalized products.
  • Investigating how fintech empowers seniors and addresses their challenges.
  • Providing practical insights through case studies.
  • Summarizing key findings and recommendations for the industry.

Influence of Emerging Marketing Trends among Senior Citizens with Reference to Fintech Company in India

– Emily Clark

"Age is not a barrier; it's a bridge to a richer fintech landscape. Senior citizens are the pioneers of tomorrow's financial technology."


  • "Marketing Strategies for Fintech Adoption among Elderly Customers in India"
Summary: This article likely delves into marketing strategies tailored to encourage fintech adoption among elderly customers in the Indian market.
  • "User Experience and Adoption of Fintech Services by Senior Citizens"
Summary: This article might investigate how user experience influences the adoption of fintech services among senior citizens.
  • "Challenges and Opportunities in Targeting Senior Citizens with Fintech Offerings"
Summary: This article probably examines the challenges and opportunities that arise when targeting senior citizens with fintech offerings in the Asia Pacific region.
  • "Trust Building in Fintech: A Study of Senior Citizens in India"
Summary: This article may explore the concept of trust-building in the context of fintech services among senior citizens in India.

Review Of Literature

To what extent does technology literacy among senior citizens influence their willingness to embrace fintech solutions, and how can fintech companies address digital literacy challenges among this demographic?

Willingness of Sr. Citizens

What are the key demographic factors, such as age, income, and geographic location, that influence senior citizens' adoption of fintech services, and how do these factors impact their financial inclusion?

Demographic Factors

How do senior citizens in India perceive and interact with emerging marketing trends employed by fintech companies, including digital strategies and personalized financial products?

Emerging Marketing Trends


Sample size determination is the process of selecting an adequate number of subjects or data points for research to achieve statistical significance and reliability.

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Descriptive statistics summarize and describe data, while inferential statistics draw conclusions and make predictions based on data.

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

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Sample Size Determination

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Random sampling within strata involves selecting samples from specific subgroups within a population, maintaining proportional representation for accurate research results.

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Stratified random sampling involves dividing a population into subgroups and randomly selecting samples from each subgroup to improve representation in research.

Random Sampling within Strata

Stratified Random Sampling

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Research Methodology

The female population of senior citizens is higher than the male population, with a ratio of 106 women to every 100 men

Female to Male: 106:100

The literacy rate among senior citizens in India is 63%, compared to the national average of 74%.

Literacy Rate: 63%

Senior Citizens with Social Security are only 8% of total 138 million senior citizens

Sr. Citizens with SSN: 8%

There are 138 million senior citizens (aged 60 and above) in India, accounting for 10.1% of the total population

Total Senior Citizens: 138 Mil.

Female to Male Ratio

Literacy Rate

Social Security

Number of Sr. Citizens

Senior citizens in India


Graphical Presentation of Senior Citizens in India


  • According to the 2021 Census of India, there are 138 million senior citizens (aged 60 and above) in India, accounting for 10.1% of the total population.
  • Only a small proportion of senior citizens in India (8%) have access to social security benefits.
  • The majority of senior citizens in India live in rural areas (77%).
  • The female population of senior citizens is higher than the male population, with a ratio of 106 women to every 100 men.
  • The literacy rate among senior citizens in India is 63%, compared to the national average of 74%.

The objective behind doing this research are:

  • Sample Size: Limited to 100 seniors; may not fully represent the population.
  • Generalizability: Findings mainly apply to specific regions; caution needed for wider application.
  • Data Collection: Self-reported data may contain recall and respondent bias.
  • Resource Constraints: Affected data depth; larger sample could enhance understanding.
  • Age Variations: May not fully capture differences, especially among the oldest seniors.
  • Tech Advancements: Reflects a specific timeframe; trends may change.
  • Regulation Focus: Doesn't delve deep into regulatory impacts on senior services.
  • Qualitative Data: Interpretation bias in interview data may exist.

Limitations Of Study

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