Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Beijing 北京

Virtual Trip 01: Let's travel to the capital city of China!

China Trip


Travel Guide

Where is Beijing?


The Great Wall

Peking Roast Duck

Beijing OPera

Exit Game

Fasten your seat belt.We're taking off to Beijing!


Where is Beijing?

Which place in 北京 do you want to visit?

Tour - VIDEO

The Great Wall

长城 cháng chéng

I want a 360 View

I want a video

  • Built thousands of years ago, in order to protect the country from invasion.
  • Sections of walls built in different times.
  • LARGEST man made structures on earth.


北京烤鸭běijīng kǎoyā-What is 北京烤鸭?-How is 北京烤鸭 made?

Peking Roast Duck

I want an example of Peking OPera performance

Peking Opera

京剧 jīng jùCreated or adopted from history.Four Roles:

  • sheng 生 ( Main male role)
  • dan 旦 (All female roles)
  • Jing 净 (Secondary male roles)
  • Chou 丑 (Clowns)

京剧 jīng jùIntroductionUnique art performace originated from 北京 Beijing.

Peking Opera

Which city is the capital of China?


Shanghai 上海

Beijing 北京

zhongguo 中国

Exit Game

Exit GAme

Next Challenge

"I'm a genius!"

You got it correct!!

回答正确!!huí dá zhèng què

Exit Game

"No no no!"

try again

Pinyin of 北京





Exit Game

Exit GAme

Next Challenge

"I'm a genius!"

You got it correct!!

回答正确!!huí dá zhèng què

Exit Game

"No no no!"

try again

The Great Wall


cháng chéng


Exit Game

jīng jù

Exit GAme

Next Challenge

"I'm a genius!"

You got it correct!!

回答正确!!huí dá zhèng què

Exit Game

"No no no!"

try again

Peking Opera


cháng chéng


Exit Game

jīng jù

Exit GAme

Next Challenge

"I'm a genius!"

You got it correct!!

回答正确!!huí dá zhèng què

Exit Game

"No no no!"

try again

Peking Roast Duck


cháng chéng


Exit Game

jīng jù


Hope you enjoy the visit to China in Ms.Yang's zoom room today!

Exit Game

"No no no!"

try again

Beijing 北京Peking

  • Northern China
  • Capital city of China 首都
  • With over 21 million residents, Beijing is the second largest city after Shanghai
  • International friendly