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Haley Russell

Triggers over roles, goals, policies, and procedures

Triggers over information

Triggers over relationships

Triggers over values

Triggers over structures

5 Triggers Infographic

LDST 331: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

These triggers can happen when there are changes to policies, expectations, or procedures.The rights-based approach could be effective when dealing with conflicts that have roles, goals, policies, and procedures triggers because this approach focuses on resolving conflict depending on rules, policies, laws, procedures, or similar frameworks.

These triggers can happen when an organization's expectations are not realistic or employees do not have as much control as they would like to; when there is a power imbalance.A collaborating approach could be effective when dealing with conflicts that have structure triggers because it involves both parties working together to find a win/win solution and they realize that there is no advantage to pressing for an outcome favorable to their interests.

These triggers can happen when individuals disagree on the importance of work, participation, authority, and behaviors.An interest-based approach could be effective when dealing with conflicts that have value triggers because it involves the parties seeking to understand each other’s interests and find ways to achieve an outcome that is acceptable and mutually beneficial to them.

These triggers can happen when an individual feels that they do not have all/ enough of the information, they are being misinformed, or someone is withholding information.A collaborating approach could be effective to use when dealing with conflicts that have information triggers because it will open up communication and encourage the parties to work together to come to a mutual resolution.

These triggers can happen when individuals are unable to communicate effectively; this can be because of differences in cultures, backgrounds, or experiences.An interest-based approach could be effective when dealing with conflicts that have relationship triggers because it focuses on understanding the interests of the other party to achieve a resolution that will meet mutual goals.

Sources: Griffith, D. (2018). Conflict survival kit: Tools for resolving conflict at work. W. Ross MacDonald School Resource Services Library.