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To receive a certificate of completion and a digital badge, you must meet the following criteria:

The program will have the following elements:



The Innovation in Teaching program is unique in design and academic quality. Comprising four modules taught by professors with proven expertise in their academic areas and from the most prestigious institutions in the Americas and Europe, these facilitators represent global expertise and bring unparalleled value to the program.

1. Opening Forum: program overview, expectations, and structure. 2. Four thematic modules, each with the following elements: a. Two live webinars, two hours each b. Asynchronous content and Tasks (8-10 hours per week) c. Live office hours with Mentor (four, one hour each) 3. Forum for Pedagogical Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

The program will have the following elements:

• Attend a minimum of 6 out of 10 live synchronous sessions • Attend a minimum 4 out of 16 live office hours (1 per module) • Participate at least once in the discussion forums • Complete at least 50% of the graded activities • Complete the pre-post assessment, as well as the End of Module Surveys • Submit the Final project

You must meet the following criteria: