Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


A global online entrepreneurship and innovation hub in your school


Build a collaborative platform to upskill over a million 10-25-year-olds in tech, design and entrepreneurship while having fun.


Equitably develop a new wave of young talent across the world to solve the biggest challenges of today/tomorrow.


Most valuable companies of our generation are built around tech, design and entrepreneurship

Lumi: Our Purpose

*based on OECD, WEF and Pearson reports and Lumi's professional insights

Lumi was conceptualised by a father & son duo in 2020

  • We run digital, scalable cohort-based Quests
  • Supported by an AI-augmented online learning platform
  • Participants produce novel tech-enabled innovations to global or business problems
  • And develop Future of Work skills* such as entrepreneurship, design and AI-readiness...

Lumi collaborates with young people and institutions globally

Quests follow a design-thinking journey and focus on solving real-world problems, collaboratively

  • 15 online facilitated sessions + structured offline work on our platform
  • Topics linked to UNSDGs (e.g. Sustainable Cities, Climate Change, Inequality, Health) or chosen by our corporate partner (e.g. Cybersecurity, Risk)
  • Each Quest comprises ten participants, a trained facilitator + Subject Matter Experts (in select sessions)
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human-AI Collaboration
  • Character & Values

Proprietary credential that tracks and showcases Quest outcomes, including key skills in:

Click for Demo

Quest Output (1/2): A unique & personalised Future Skills Passport for each participant

Click For Video Demonstration

Incentivising users to buy less food to reduce waste!

Five 11-14 year olds

Three 14-16 year olds

Two 13 year olds

Five 12-14 year olds

Five 11-15 year olds

Two 12 year olds

Three 17 year olds

Three 15 year olds

Connecting care homes with schools globally for learning, in a safe way!

Offering grocers soon to expire food at discount - contributing a % to a good cause!

Win point & buy gifts for your virtual pet by taking shorter showers!

Allowing locals to deliver food to the elderly & disabled!

Pre-ordered school meals to reduce food waste!

An interative curriculum building awareness on forms of equality!

Quest Output (2/2): Impactful innovations

Click Screens For Demo

Measure & improve your green impact while competing with friends!

Lumi’s AI-enabled platform combines four things:

Community Led Engagement Platform

Best of Breed Tools

  • Method: an interactive, design-thinking led curriculum that uses Lumi's AKT Framework
  • AI-assisted tools: to enhance creativity and productivity
  • People: trained and passionate facilitators from top universities
  • Platform: an engaging learning space that fosters collaboration

How Lumi works

An affiliate of the Byers Center of Biodesign at Stanford University

Certification by

Identified Lumi as an emerging provider in the Ed-Tech, 2023

Lumi was showcased at the COP27 2022 by The Commonwealth

Lumi was shorlisted Lumi within its Early stage investor conf. 2022

Accreditation & Recognition

Today it's become really difficult to differentiate between the thousands of graduates who apply to us. They have great degrees but they're missing real-world skills. Lumi is the way to help us pick them out.

- Senior Partner, Big Four Accounting Firm

- Kosmo Kalliarekos, Global EdTech Leader & Lumi investor

Lumi is shifting the needle from assessment to skills and promoting peer-based learning. It's strength lies in augmenting rather trying to upend education

-Headmaster, Leading British School

It is immensely encouraging that young people can come up with such well thought out solutions to complex global problems when given an opportunity through Lumi.

- Education & Skills Leader, top professional services firm

There is a gap in the market to develop digital skills in young people from an early age. The Passport can be a new age credential for many young people from anywhere.

- Mark Brayton, Interim CMO Nationwide

We’re proud to be the first corporate partner to work with Lumi– an organisation giving opportunity for youth to be front and centre in tackling the most important global issues.

- Cyber expert, Big Four Accounting Firm

I really enjoyed observing how ideas in both apprentice teams evolved session after session. A project like this shows that co-operation centered around design thinking is simply very productive.

Customer Feedback and Reviews

I'm really impressed that both solutions focus on commercial and societal impact.

Two teams of Apprentices pitched their solutions to Senior Leaders across Financial Services, Cyber & EMEA Business Units of EY

We're going to take this forward and present it to top management!

I love both solutions. How can we commercialise these great ideas?

Initial EY Apprentice Programme - Feedback

Revised pricing reflects our commitment to develop a strategic collaboration to scale Lumi within the school and beyond

* All prices exclusive of VAT

Standard Quest

  • Choice of topics: Climate Change, Sustainability, Inequality, Health
  • Up to 10 participants in one Quest
  • 15 live online sessions
  • Access to Lumi tools and platform
  • Delivered by Lumi facilitators
  • Includes final Bolton x Lumi Quest presentation
  • £20,000* (Reduced from £45,000 to £25000 with a further £5000 contribution from Lumi towards bursary students)


Pricing -

  • Use the pilot to develop scalable programme spanning several year groups.
  • Bring in Alumni and Parents as subject matter experts.
  • Explore different models for teacher involvement.
  • Culminate the Quest in a innovation showcase inviting Parents, Alumni and Industry to further innovations with potential.
  • Explore opportunity for a strategic collaboration to scale the model to other schools.

Quest Goals

Over 50% of participants in Lumi identify as female

identified Lumi as an emerging provider in the Ed-Tech sector, 2023Showcased at the Early Stage Investor Conference as a high potential ventureShowcased by The Commonwealthat COP27

Lumi has worked in 14+ countries

80+ innovations tackling global issues

Influenced over 10K peopleworldwide

1000+ students have experienced Lumi


Global impact + public recognition

Product Delivery

5+ years in sustainability and education

Nefelie KalavrezouProduct DeliveryLondon

Technology & AI

Biz.Dev & Youth Skill Development

Product Design & Delivery

Design Thinking & Innovation

Ed-Tech & Multi-exit Entrepreneur

13+ years in software engineering at YouTube, Google and Deloitte

Ethan GillTech Advisor London

8+ years in education, former Partnerships leader at Latymer Foundation & Envision

Rosie Nicholas Partnerships Lead London

2+ years product design & engineering in the UK and Germany

Darius Fernandes Product Design & Delivery, London

23+ years as VC, Stanford Professor & design thinking expert

Dr Christopher ShenCo-founder & Chief Innovation Officer, San Francisco

23+ year track record in 5 startups, incl. a $2bn exit. Recognised leader in global Ed-Tech

Prashant RaizadaFounder- CEOLondon


Lumi team


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What School Heads think about Lumi...