Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

To make a decision, Click the words that say the options. This is only part one, more will come in the future



You get out of vault 111 and go see that everything is gone so there is a chance that it is pointless to go back to sanctury, but perhaps some poor soul has some loot there maybe some good loot at home. You then see that the Red Rocket Gas Station is somehow still standing. Which location should you go to?


Red Rocket gas Station



You decided to go home only to find out that your Robotic butler, codsworth is there fighting what seems to be men holding weapons and wearing armor that looks out of mad max, you decided to help codsworth but got shot in the leg. as you bleed out, you see codsworth has finally been defeated as well, then the men start kicking and beating you to death, you are dead, GET REKT NOOB

Red Rocket Gas Station

You decided to go to Red Rocket Gas Station and encounter a non mutated dog that seems to like you and wants to help you. Should you allow the dog to help you because it could be a trap, or just continue scavenging

Scavenge but leave the dog

Scevenge and bring the dog with you

Leaving the Dog

After you got done scavenging the supplies at Red Rocket, you leave without the dog, as you walk to concord, you see a man on the second balcony and some men that seem to be shooting at him, you try to sneak up on them, but one of them spots you. all of a sudden, you see one pull the trigger of their gun while it was pointed at you, you hear a loud BANG then it becomes black... You are DeadYour Trash kid, go touch some grass


Bringing the Dog

After you got done scavenging the supplies at Red Rocket, you leave with the dog, as you walk to concord, you see a man on the second balcony and some men that seem to be shooting at him, you try to sneak up on them, but one of them spots you. all of a sudden, you see one aim one of their gun at you, you close your eyes prepared to meet your fate, when all of a sudden, nothing happens, you open your eyes to see the dog you found at red rocket ripping their throats out, after you then hear the stranger on the balcony of the museum of freedom, yelling "HEY YOU, I HAVE A GROUP OF SETTLERS INSIDE, BUT THE RAIDERS ARE ALMOST THROUGH THE DOOR, GRAB THAT LASER MUSKET AND HELP US, PLEASE". As you grab the laser musket, the strange man runs back inside...

End of part 1