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Environmental scanning is a three-step process in which businesses gather information about their surroundings, analyze that information, and determine the future impact of that information. It’s important for businesses as it allows them to recognize potential opportunities and threats, and adjust strategic planning and decision making accordingly. Six main categories of information included in environmental scans are demographics, society and culture, the economy, competition, government, and technology.

Use this space to welcome the game, tell a story that engages your audience and explain the instructions before starting.

+ info

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Final Test


Complete each test to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.


Icebreaker question:When should an environmental scan take place?

Environmental scanning on a quarterly basis allows your business to react to competition and take advantage of opportunities and threats.

Environmental scanning must be conducted on a continuous basis since the environment is dynamic and new trends can arise at any time.

Test 1

You're doing great. Next question: A business should conduct environmental scans on a continuous basis so it can


change customers’ attitudes.

respond to opportunities and threats quickly.

control the external environment.

Test 1

You're almost there.One way to determine the importance of an issue or trend is to consider its impact on


your personal finances.

your competitors’ personnel.

demand for your business’s products.

foreign governments.

Test 1

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Final test


Complete each test to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.


Watch this video:Internal forces such as personell and finances

are labeled as threats & opportunities

are labeled as strengths & weaknesses.

are labeled as weaknesses and threats

Test 2


Watch this video:Threats and Opportunities consists of these external factors:

height, weight, hair color & favorite food

demographics, society and culture, economy & govn't

social media & pop culture

Test 2

Now play this video and answer:Which of the following is considered a strength?


a strong brand, embedded network effect, or best-in-class turnover ratio

elements in the external environmnet that allow you to evaluate your competition

characteristics in the internal environment

Test 2

Last video of the test:Threats are considered which of the following:


characteristics that give a business a competetitive advantage.

elements in the external environmnet that allow you to evaluate your competition

forces in the external environment that considered risks to the operation.

Test 2

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Final Test


Complete each test to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding scanning activities?


All information should be obtained in a formal manner

You must focus only on relevant information.

Test 3

Which of the following is a tool that can be used to carry out scanning activities:


Personnel Records

Market research

Way to Go!

Test 3

You are about to get it: Which of the following would be done first in an environmental scan:


Test 3

Select trends to act on

Identify participants

analyze important issues

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Final Test


Complete each test to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.

Drag and sort correctlyPlace in the correct order for an environmental scan










ICarry out scanning activities

Scan on a continous basis

Report results or select issues and trends to act on

Identify participants and responsibilities

Identify and analyze important issues

Test 4



Drag concepts to the corresponding grouplorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

Group A lorem ipsum

Group B lorem ipsum

1. Lorem ipsum dolor

2. Sit amet consectetur

3. Adipiscing elit facilisis


4. Risus id proin

5. Pharetra eros augue


6. Dapibus imperdiet dui

Test 4




Drag and complete the series correctlylorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit

Serie 1

Serie 2

Test 4

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Final Test


Complete each test to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.


Turn up the volume:Select the correct statement.

Correct answer

Wrong answer

Test 5


Well done!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?

Correct answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Test 5





You're almost there, press play!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?

Respuesta correcta

Respuesta incorrecta

Respuesta incorrecta

Respuesta incorrecta

Correct answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Test 5

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Final Test


Complete each test to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.

Answer the following with your group and present


Try Again

Bring it to Mrs. Kemp

Try Again

Test 6



False ✓

Pay attention to this image:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?

Test 6








A. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

B. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing


C. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

D. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

E. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

Drag and sort correctlylorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit

Test 6


You're almost there!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?

Test 6


Trust your ear for the final question:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Respuesta correcta

Respuesta incorrecta

Respuesta incorrecta

Respuesta incorrecta

Right answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Test 6


Congratulations, you have successfully completed the escape room!

Start over?


That answer is not correct...

But don't lose your balance, continue on your way and try again!

Oh oh!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat, netus commodo blandit vivamus id auctor bibendum class massa, gravida rutrum platea mi montes nunc consequat lacus. Taciti libero neque luctus porttitor, sodales ac montes fames, metus torquent aliquam.Porta fringilla metus aliquam proin egestas velit interdum ante, congue primis nisi nec inceptos donec ultricies quis ligula, conubia eros nisl tristique quam cubilia feugiat. Auctor fringilla accumsan dictum duis dictumst suscipit torquent luctus gravida, suspendisse


1 - D

1- A

3 - E

4 - B

5 - C

1 - D

2- A

5 - B

4 - C

3 - C

Group A lorem ipsum


Group B lorem ipsum