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October, 2023

Centre Vision2024 - 2027

Liverpool John Moores International Study Centre

Outline of Contents

Metrics and Target Breakdown



Mission, Vision and Values




This is the second iteration of the LJMU ISC Centre Vision. The first vision was developed post Covid to recognise the continued difficulties and obstacles we would face as an education provider post-pandemic. We have achieved so much in the last 2 years given our significant challenges, with progression remaining around 90%.As we now move into contract renewal phase, all staff have been invited to reflect on the vision as is and consider aspirations for the next three years.

A Centre of Excellence

To drive up conversion by reducing attrition and increasing progression from starters.



We value openness and honesty. We work collaboratively and collegially. We understand that time is required to get things right and we ensure flexibility and excellent communicaiton within the workplace.


A centre of excellence, focusing on high quality inputs to generate high quality outcomes.


  • high quality teaching, learning and assessment
  • exceptional student experience (from enrolment to conversion)
  • an ISC recognised for providing the best pathway provision to international students
  • a great place to work
  • excellent staff and student wellbeing support
  • high quality student outcomes
  • high student satisfaction


  • We need great management who are able to secure suitable and appropriate resources/facilities.
  • We need effective training and staff development.
  • We need to better understrand eachother's roles to collaborate effectively to reach shared goals.
  • We need constructive feedback so we know how to improve.
  • We need open, honest and effective communication at all levels.


  • We need time to work on tasks and projects to get things right.
  • we need appropriate staffing structures which strengthen our ability to succeed.
  • We need clear channels of communication and effective processes to deal with the everyday, the unforeseen and the urgent.
  • We need to remain flexible and adaptive.
  • We need to strengthen the partnership and utilise teams across the network.
  • We need to invest in the right people and the right infrastructure.
  • We need to show enthusiasm for excellence and be motivated to achieve our goals.
  • We need to apply our expertise, skill-sets and experience.


Realising the centre's vision will in large part be focused on our ability to gain optimal metrics. Our target metrics for the next three years are below:Progression 80% from starters Attrition 10% from startersConversion to LJMU 75% from startersThese targets are aspirational in nature. The closer we are to them, the more distance travelled! New targets will be added for each year.Student and staff feedback will determine how well we fulfil the centre vision. Surveys and feedback will result in actions to help us better realise our vision.

starters who met their progression requirements


Target Breakdown


starters who left the programme or who were withdrawn

starters who met progression and enrolled at LJMU


Got an idea?

Let the communication flow!

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.