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Mexico had endured years of subjugation from the tyranny of colonization. Throughout the years, the indigenous people faced slavery, cultural erasure, and the implementaiton of a caste system

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Mexican war for independence happens in 1810

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Mexican War for Independence

Story Time

What is a Caste system? .

Hispanic conquistadores married young iindigenous woman to their settlers in order to make sure the cultural erasure and status quo stayed for each generation following spanish conquest the nex generation would ggrow up in households that had a Spanish father (adult) with a young indigenous mother. Resulting in a race based social caste.

The Spanish Empire adopted a Casta System to classify all of the Americas' various races and racial combinations, as well as where Spaniards were born. Similar to medieval Spain's concept of limpieza de sangre, or blood purity, the Casta System linked one's race with his or her behavior, personality, and social status.

So what happened?

The Colonial legacy also allowed the Church to be owners of between 25% and 50% of the land and controlled most schools, hospitals, and charitable institutions. They also enjoyed “fueros” which are special privileges which included the right to not be tried in civil courts.

This caste system was pretty brutal and many were unhappy

The reality of the Encomienda system was brutal and created resentment at each level of society

Infulenced by the Enlightenment and teh French Revoluiton People decided they needed a change.

I decideed enough was enough, I saw how people were abused and neglected. The ideals of enlightenment drove me to call for independence

What sparked a cry for revolution?


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I was later captured and executed. But my legacy lives today through an independent Mexico!!

A legendary figure, named “El Pipila,” helped the rebels capture the Spanish stronghold by covering his body with a block and reaching the doors and setting them on fire.

In less than two weeks, the insurgent leaders had assembled thousands of rebels (between 70,000 and 80,000) and began a march on the industrial and mining center of Guanajuato.

So he was Unalived for calling for change?

So even though Father Hidalgo died change was already set in motion ....


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Two schools of thought

Conservatives Versus LIberals


The liberals wanted to copy the reform governments like the United States and France


The conservatives wanted Mexico to exist the same way it had during the Colonial Era, with its support for the Church and landed economic system


Conservatives sided with the Church and mercantilism while Liberals sided with the French revolution that wanted to end these privileges for the elite and wanted to modernize the economy.

What was going on in Spain?


A group of liberals staged a successful revolt in 1820. This revolt forced the king of Spain to make changes. The conservatives in Spain started to think twice about all of their choices. Many conservatives joined forces with Father Hidalgo’s followers to defeat Spanish troops. These conservatives were more concerned with reinstating their rights.

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The Movement continues with Vicente Guerrero


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The loss of livestock and crops due to the war destroyed the economy. By 1821 only about ½ of the population of tejanos remained (near 30,000 Indigenous people still remained) About 1,500 tejanos lived in San Antonio and around 1,000 lived in La Bahia (renamed Goliad in 1829)

What was the price?

Indigenous attacks on Spanish settlements increased and little man-power remained for defense.

The revolution had a price

Finally ...

Impact of the Revolution

How did the Ranchers fair?

Indigenous attacks on Spanish settlements increased and little man-power remained for defense.

The revolution had a price

Finally ...

Impact of the Revolution on Texas


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