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Macro Plan Welcome to TympaHealth! Learn the reasoning behind their IECM training course creation. Introduction to Ear Care & Microsuction course

With the aim of improving ear and hearing healthcare, TympaHealth's mission is to enable a single provider to deliver expert care to patients in just a 30-minute appointment. To accomplish this, the company prioritizes enhancing the accessibility and user-friendliness of their products. Additionally, they provide comprehensive training to ensure that users can safely and effectively utilize their products for delivering ear and hearing care services within their communities.Therefore, lets meet three of their typical alumni to find out more


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Meet Julia

Meet Veronica

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Based on the information gathered from our learning personas, it is evident there is a strong desire amongst allied health professional to extend their scope of practice and provide ear and hearing care services to the community.

The Business Need

Key Performance Indictors

Change In Knowledge, Skills & Behaviour

The Learning Outcomes

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TympaHealth is dedicated to assisting clients in providing the highest ear and hearing care standards within their communities. We understand the significance of supporting allied health professionals who may not have specialised certifications like audiologists or ENTs. These professionals require the necessary training to ensure safe and effective aural examinations, microsuction and hearing checks. Our comprehensive training course equips customers with the skills needed to deliver ear and hearing care services to the highest standard using the Tympahealth otoscope system. They also learn when and to whom they should refer patients too for optimal care, which helps alleviate pressure on public health systems.

  1. Attain a course pass rate of at least 95% among delegates, demonstrating their competence in Tympa device utilisation for otoscopy and microsuction in routine cases, with a paramount focus on patient safety.
  2. Ensure at least 95% of delegates can proficiently provide informed consent, explaining benefits, potential risks, and procedures for otoscopy and microsuction.
  3. Ensure at least 95% of delegates understand and demonstrate good record-keeping practices and clinical governance principles when delivering otoscopy and microsuction procedures.
  4. Ensure at least 95% of delegates understand and demonstrate the health and safety requirements when delivering otoscopy and microsuction procedures.
  5. Ensure 95% of delegates can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy outer ears during otoscopy.
  6. Ensure 95% of delegates can proficiently interpret hearing check results and recognize when to make appropriate referrals.
  7. Ensure 95% of delegates are familiar with appropriate referral pathways for complex cases and understand what is outside their scope of practice when conducting otoscopy and microsuction procedures.

1. Safely use the Tympa device for otoscopy and microsuction. 2. Explain informed consent for otoscopy and microsuction. 3. Maintain good record-keeping and follow clinical governance. 4. Apply health and safety protocols during procedures. 5. Have a basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the ear and be able to identify healthy vs. unhealthy outer ears accurately. 6. Interpret hearing check results and refer appropriately. 7. Understand their scope of practice in providing otoscopy and microsuction services, including the ability to identify non-routine cases, and recognise the appropriate referral pathways for effectively managing such cases.

We appreciate the delegates may have no prior knowledge about ear care and microsuction, and we aim to emphasise higher-order thinking skills (HOTs) based on Bloom's Taxonomy in the learning outcomes to allow them to understand and learn the skills acquired to deliver ear and hearing care safely within their communities. It is essential that the online course components are completed in advance as there is a practical aspect that can only be conducted in person. However, prior to attending the in-person session, we prioritise ensuring that the online materials are easily comprehensible, succinct, and accessible at any given time. Above all, we strive for a harmonious alignment between the course's learning objectives, online materials, and practical components.The learning objectives

  1. 1. Recall and describe the process of effectively communicating with patients, obtaining informed consent, and clear instructions prior to conducting otoscopy and microsuction procedures.
1.1 Recalls key steps in the communication process with patients, including introducing the procedure, what it entails, and addressing patient concerns. 1.2 Describes the informed consent process thoroughly, covering potential risks, benefits, related to otoscopy and microsuction. 1.3 Clearly articulates instructions to patients, ensuring they understand the preparation and post-procedure care involved in otoscopy and microsuction. 1.4 Demonstrate awareness of employing appropriate communication strategies when interacting with individuals in particular, the hearing impaired community. 1.5 Communicates case history questions related to otoscopy and microsuction procedures to patients in a clear, effective, and understandable manner. 1.6: Recognises the appropriate timing to ask additional questions during the case history process. 2. Demonstrate the ability to safely and competently utilise the Tympa System while adhering to health and safety protocols during ear examinations and micro-suction procedures. 2.1. Safely operates the Tympa System, demonstrating knowledge of safe handling and specific controls as well as functionalities to optimise the safe delivery of otoscopy and microsuction procedures. 2.2. Complies with local or national health and safety and infection control guidelines by correctly employing personal protective equipment (PPE) and ensures a safe and hygienic environment while utilising the Tympa System and delivering otoscopy and microsuction procedures. 2.3. Anticipates and addresses potential risks, actively managing basic troubleshooting situations related to the Tympa System to safeguard the well-being of both the practitioner and the patient. 2.4 Able to use all features of Tympahealth services, including Tympacloud for recording additional case history information if required on the media files and requesting a remote review for additional support if needed. 3. Explain the anatomy and physiology of the ear and demonstrate the ability to recognize common ear pathologies. 3.1. Articulates the structures and functions of the ear with clarity, including the outer and middle ear structures and demonstrating a basic understanding of the inner ear's function. 3.2. Identify with confidence the differences between a normal ear canal and eardrum and features indicative of ear abnormalities. 4. Analyse clinical governance principles, including the identification of contraindications for aural care. 4.1. Understands and emphasises the importance of clinical governance principles in ensuring safe and effective otoscopy and microsuction practices. 4.2. Recognises specific contraindications related to otoscopy and microsuction practices and identifies situations that fall outside the scope of practice. 4.3. Demonstrates the ability to accurately record a comprehensive case history, capturing relevant patient information related to the otoscopy and microsuction procedures 4.4 Understands and acknowledges the significance of accurately capturing pre and post-media files after any procedure, recognising their role in documenting and assessing patient outcomes effectively. 5. Develop a plan for the safe removal of earwax using microsuction techniques, recognising when it is required to remove wax. 5.1 Recognises indications for earwax removal, considering factors such as patient symptoms, and visual examination results. 5.2 Develops a comprehensive earwax removal plan if required, including pre-assessment, selecting appropriate tools, and post-procedure care. 5.3. Communicates the earwax removal plan clearly to the patient, addressing any concerns and ensuring their understanding and cooperation. 5.4 Apply knowledge to recognise situations beyond your scope of practice and when to refer to a suitable medical qualified professional for further investigations/treatments either by utilising the Tympahealth remote review service or an external onward referral. 6. Assess and interpret the results of a hearing check and formulate a management plan based on the findings. 6.1. Demonstrates proficiency in conducting a hearing check, including using the tympa system and interpreting results accurately. 6.2. Formulates a management plan based on the findings of the hearing check, and determining whether an onward referral is required for further investigations 6.3. Effectively communicates the results of the hearing check and relays an appropriate management plan to the patient using clear and suitable language.


We will examine how the core modules and learning flow of this course align with the course's learning objectives.

Learning Model

Learning Modules & Topics

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The course follows a "flipped classroom" approach. Before attending in-person sessions, participants access online resources to enhance their understanding. This method allows them to use face-to-face sessions to reinforce their learning and practical application, where they interact with practical tools, peers, and the instructor to apply skills, concepts, and ideas. After successfully completing the otoscopy phase and obtaining their sign-off, participants engage in self-directed learning to further develop their otoscopy skills. Subsequently, during the face-to-face observation day, they learn how to safely conduct microsuction on patients. Following the observation day, participants can elevate their learning by submitting reflective practice assignments in preparation for their annual validation submission.


The Mode of Learning

Learning Formats

We will examine how the course will be delivered.

Progression Flow Of Learning

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We will evaluate the course delivery method, which will integrate a combination of instructional approaches. The course will comprise mandatory virtual sessions, online components, and an in-person segment. It follows a linear asynchronous digital format with set deadlines. Initially, participants will participate in a live webinar, followed by self-directed online learning, to be completed before their second webinar. Subsequently, they will have the opportunity to attend their hands-on, in-person sessions.