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Lauren Hiestand

Public Policy: Nutrition

  • Having the right nutrtion for chilren helps against malnutrition
  • Maintains a healthy immune system
  • Prevents obesity
  • Reduces the risk for developing chroinc diseases

Nutrition Importance for Children

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  • Protein (beef, chicken, fish)
  • Carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, bread)
  • Fats (oils, avocado, peanut butter)
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

Building a Healthy Plate

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  • Processed foods are shown to lower a child's IQ
  • They can cause behavioral issues because of the unknown chemcials added
  • Can lead to obesity because of the addictive chemiclas adding into the foods to cause overeating
  • Can cause high blood pressure at a young age

Avoiding Processed Foods

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  • National School Lunch Program
  • School Breakfast Program
  • Special Milk Program
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program
  • Summer Food Service Program
  • Team Nutrition
  • The Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program

Places to Look to for Lower Income Families

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  • Having knowledge about the importance of nutrition at a young age can and will set a child up for success
  • Consuming a good diet as a child will help children grow and live healthier lives
  • Eat whole foods instead of processed foods
  • Having health class in elementary school for children to teach them about nutrition and physical activity importance
  • There are programs to help lower income families and they should be used

Key Points

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