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Jesus Reyes College of education, grand canyon universityUnV-522: Curriculum Design Theories Professor Richardson October 9, 2023

Curriculum design theories


Summary of Each Design Approach

Explanation of currulum Design Models


Summary of Curriculum Design Theory


Overview of curriculum design



Curriculum Design Process

The curriculum design process can be organized in plenty of ways. The process' created are modifications/alterations of three designs. These include the subject-centered designs, the learner-centered design, and the problem-center design (Each will be discussed in depth on upcoming slides). It is important to know who the primary focus is and what the objectives are. The lessons delivered are specific to its learners, which is why this is important (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016). The lessons must be beneficial for the educator and learners. Having clear objectives makes the design process more effective. To facilitate this, it can be useful to have certain steps already in place. This will lead to an intentionally led process and successful curriculum.

Curriculum design theory can be performed in many ways. The educator, school site, or district will have to select a curriculum that they feel is best for their learners. It must be rigorous and efficient so that the educators and learners both benefits. Also, there must be assessments in place to measure the curriculum's effectiveness. Students must show their ability to perform using the curriculum selected. A few things to consider are the needs and aspirations. It is also important to map out design components, while also cross-checking design components. Students need to be able to connect to the content. This helps a more enjoyable environment and helps students retain information (O'Meary and Vaidya, 2021).

Curriculum Design theory


Acknowledge limitations

Clear set of goals

Identtify the students needs

It is important for teacher to have reasonable expectations. There are many things a teacher must take into account such as time, available resourcecs, student ability, and more. The likelihood of completing lessons/course is more likely when reasonable limitations are made.

The curriculum must have an objective and criteria it expects to meet. This will be the lesson/course goals that the teacher has implemented. These goals must be concise and properly discussed and explained to the student. Having a clear direction will help the students meet the goals.

There has to be a clear direction one must go in. By first identifying a students needs, this process becomes much easier. Properly assessing the needs of the student/class will be one of the first ste;s in the design process (UCSD, Curriculim Design, 2023)


Establish an evaluation process

Select instructional methods

The evalution process is the opportunity for reflection. This will let the educator see the effectiveness of teaching strategies. It will be the time that displays the strengths and weaknesses of each student while also providing high quality feedback.

Choosing to redesign the curricul gives the educator an opportunity to create lessons that play to the strength of learners. This is a great opportunity to create lessons that are engaging, enjoyable, and informative. The curriculum design is the perfect opportunity to begin meeting the learners goals.

Subject-Centered Design

Curruculim Design models

Subject-centered design models are the oldest and most well-known design models. It tends to focus on a specific discipline such as math, history, reading, science, and foreign languages. There are well-trained teachers to teach as subject specialists. There is a huge emphasis on school standards and accountability. Teachers also must ensure they are creating an environment where questions go from simple to complex ideas.

Learner-Centered Design

Learner centered designs are more frequently seen in elementary and at the preschool level. Teachers provide the opportunity for play, which is a useful vessel for learning. In school, especially elementary and preschool, teachers must provide an environment where children can create experiences (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016). They must enable the class to guide them in the direction that will best help them accomplish this. If done right, students will develop the experiences needed to have success.

Curriculum Design Model

Problem-Centered Design

Problem-center designs are focused on real-life problems. These are the problems of an individual or society. Problem-center designs are based on social issues and focus on the unmet needs of a person or society. There must be studies to understand where and why the problems exist. A student's needs, concerns, and abilities are a driving factor. He/she must place themselves in the social setting and study because the societal issues are and investigate potential solutions (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016).

Curriculum Design Model

Subject-Centered Design

Process Design

Process design focus' on the procedures and methods in which one is learning. It aims to teach intelligence by developing students who have a intellectual chartacter (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016).

Correlation Design

Correlation design is when two or more completely different subjects are linked together. For instance, there mahy be a connection that is made between English and history, but both maintain there own identity.

Broad-Field Design

Broad field design theory is when many subjects are fit under one umbrella. For instance, biology, chemistry and physics would fall under general sciences. This allows educators to combine two or more related subjects into a broader field of study.

Discipline Design

The educator focuses on a specific discipline, such as science or math. The methods used are intended to put the student in the drivers seat and in the seat of someone in that discipline. For instance, a student would approach a math course as a mathmatician would.

Learner-Centered Design

Humanistic design

Humanistic design theory allows students to learn while also exxperiencing emotion, wonder, and imagination. There has to be a relationship between learning and feeling (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016).

Experienced-Center design

Unlike child-center design, the experienced center design allows students to design their own learning. There are social activities which lead to their learning and development. These student led activities allow students to reflect on their learning and through participation and observation.

Romantic (radical) Design

Radicals are believe that schoold use curricul to indoctrinate students in a specific way. They believe that students are taught to be intolerant and indifferent. Students who buy into this indoctrination are apart of the "have" group and students who do not are apart of the "have not" group.

Child-Centered Design

Student center design should revolve around the interest, needs, and lives of the student. The educator must pay close attention to what these are and they must also have an educational value (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016).

Problem-centered design

Reconstruction Design

Reconstructing society is the objective. This can be achieved by studying the social, political, and economical landscape. There may be a push to reconstruct a new culture or create a more equitable society. This is achieved by advancing social justice. One needs to analyze the local, national, and international communities. Doing so will help identify the problems of humanity and open the door to political and industrial change.

Life-Situations Design

Life situation design aims to focus on life-situations. One of them focuses on the difficulties of life. Therefore, studying these life obstacles helps society by allowing its learners to study these various community lives. Knowing about the social and life situations will lead to constructing better societies (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016).