Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Building Tenochtitlan

A Game About the Creation of Present Day Mexico City



  • The goal is to make it to the end of the snake.
  • Roll the dice to move.
  • Once you rolled, move your character the number of spaces shown.
  • Watch out for the skulls, they will harm you, the coins will help.
  • If multiple players land on the same space, the person who was first on the space has to go back two spaces.
  • When you make it to the end, press finish.
  • If you make it to a mountain icon, then you can click on it, and be told more about Tenochtitlan.



Start Game






Good Luck. . .

Over how many people, is it believed, lived in Tenochtitlan?

Click Here to Enter Your Answser

You Have Sucessfully Created Tenochitilan!

To play again, press the redo button. . .

Atlacoya causes a drought: Move back two spaces.

Omacatl gives the workers joy, so they work harder: Roll again.

Good weather conditions, you're able to get more work done: Roll again.

Chicomcoalt helps make the land easier to work with: Move forward two spaces.

Huitzilopochtli calls for more human sacrifices, so you loose half your workforce: Go back two spaces.

A storm comes and floods your work site: Go back three spaces.

How they did it. . .

To create Tecochtitlan, the Aztecs had to work day and night. They were supervised by nobles and priests. It took a lot of manual labor to finish the job.

Toci heals all the workers: Go forward one space.

The Aztecs conqure more people, which means more workers: Move three spaces forward.

To finish the game, you have to put in the secret passcode, using what you have learned.

Next Page

Welcome to the begining of your adventure. . .

According to legend, the Aztecs saw an eagle with a snake in its mouth, and that's why they chose to settle in present day Mexico City.

Xipe-Totec sends a disease: Move back five spaces.

You fall asleep on the job: Miss your next turn.

The importance of Tenochtitlan. . .

Tenochtitlan was an architectural masterpiece. It is believed that over 200,000 people lived there.