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Salmone Quartet

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Scene 4

Scene 2

Scene 1


Scene 3


Daily life of dr semmelweis!

In this scene when Lisa was giving birth she was screaming and to show this type of moment the violin played a long scratchy note playing the same note in sync with her screamingThen when it moved to the scene Dr Semmelweis was in on the stage the music became more overwhelming to show that the scene had a lot more going on in the scene the music goes very fast and it was overlapping and layered a lot of the time to show this.Then it would go back to Lisa’s scene and would show lisa screaming in pain for the scene the music was more calm and but at some points out of tune and would just play a long note.The long note would build up tension for when it went back to the scene of dr semmelweis and the stage spinningThe music showed the emotion in these scenes for example when the music was going fast and layering it showed how dr semmelweis had a lot going on.The scene with the dr s the atmosphere was very busy and with lisa it was showing she was gonna die

Scene 3

Scene 4

Scene 2




In this scene the sounds in the ballet scene give the impression to the audience that at first its a very calm scene as the ballerinas are dancing as soft violin plays in the background . The violin sounds are pholyphonic which means the violins are layered and playing on top of each otherThe tension of this scene is less tense then the others at first because it is calming sounds being played at first until tension starts when Dr semmelweis jumps creating conflict with the dancer of death. The string playing was additionally calm and tension less.This could be seen as his struggle to conquer death and the disapproving responses from all the doctors (dancers).The emotion was very calm and and people were mesmerised the display of dancing was very fluttery and pretty until Dr S started to attack the dancers. The emotion then became shocked.The atmosphere was elegant yet powerful and it was very peaceful compared to other scenes at first. Until it became busy and chaotic due to the Dr’s drunk response.This communicated the struggle of suggesting a new idea to a very proud society which was accurately demonstrated through the dynamic live music.

Scene 4

Scene 3




Factfile scene!

Context: :Prior to this scene Dr Semmelweis had conducted an experiment where the nurses and doctors switched operation rooms (East and West). He had concluded that the Doctors’ method was the main factor of death. Therefore, they started rummaging previous data to identify where the doctors were going wrong and why the difference in deaths was so large. Dr Semmelweis didn't have access to the records so Nurse Muller lied that she hadn’t finished with the records gaining them access immediately.There was staccato plucking of the violin strings that was synchronized between the live Salome Quartet on stage. It was very loud and aggressive which raised suspense with each pluck. It helped to emphasize the business of the scene as they continued to look for records. It contrasted the fluttery movement of the ballerinas as they passed records to each other. There was stacked talking on top of each other which gave a sense of a scoundcape of business.Tension: This was high in this scene as Dr Semmelweis wasn't granted access to the records and was looking through them. This gave all the doctors and nurses helping a time limit of when the boss would soon return from vacation.Emotion: A nervous yet excited emotion as they have a very sharp time limit to get all of these records and data but the information found will spark new discoveries.Atmosphere: A triumphant, rushed atmosphere as all this new information is being unveiled and all the doctors are excited to save more mothers and children.Meaning: This scene meant millions of lives would be saved although they are all avoiding the rules and breaching safety measures. This made the audience feel on edge as there was a chance they would all get caught doing this but it was such an exciting moment everyone couldn't help but wait for them to find the problem. This made me feel excited as they were about to unveil the reason so many mothers were passing.

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Scene 4






Lisa and DR Semmelweis!

Context: :Prior to this scene Dr Semmelweis had promised Lisa her and her child's life, however this promise can't be kept. He had delivered her child successfully but she soon started to suffer from the child bed fever. Therefore, she sadly passed away and this even haunts the dr with guilt. Dr Semmelweis is then forced to use her dead body to try and figure out why mothers are dying.There was scratchy untuned string playing between the live Salome Quartet on stage. It was very loud and nausious which raised uncomfort with each draw. It helped to emphasize the sickness and trauma of the scene as he operated and she came to life as a memory or haunting.There was dead silence other than the string playing.Tension: This was high in this scene as Dr Semmelweis was uncomfortable doing this operation yet he had to. This grew as Lisa became an alive thought and started influencing the dr's mind.Emotion: A nervous nautious emotion as the dr is working on a dead body he promised to say as the sound was scratch and uncomfortable making the audience feel ill.Atmosphere: A vile, cryptic atmosphere as a dead body shouldn't be able to influence anyone in this way and the silence between the two heightened the atmosphere.Meaning: The untuned playing meant the environment was not naturalistic and it was something of his imagination especially conveyed in the movement. This made the audience feel on edge as there was uneasy playing that would make anyone uncomfortable. Furthermore, it was a very uneasy scene conveying the meaning.