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A Digital Journey for Military Leaders


Role of the NCO 1

What It Means To Be a Professional Soldier

The Professional Army Ethic


Learning Goals

Target Audience


Instructional Problem

Leadership & Critical Factors

The Nine Leadership Competencies

Developmental Leadership Assessment

Target Audience

The target audience for this e-learning module comprises of military adult learners between the ages of 18 and 60 who are required to take the course "Role of the NCO 1 (Non-Commissioned Officer). This diverse group of learners possesses variations in prior knowledge and skills, ages, interests and education levels. Variations in Prior Knowledge and Skills: Military NCOs have varying levels of experience, from newly promoted Corporals with limited leadership expereince to seasone non-commissioned officers with years of service and leaderhip roles. Their technical skills and knowledge of the NCO role may differ significantly. Age Range: Ranges from young adults in their late teens to experienced individuals in their 60s. Interests: Their interests revolve around military leadership, organizational excellence, and professional development within the military context. Levels of Education: Educational backgrounds vary, from high school graduates to individuals with advanced degrees. Some may have attened military-specific leadership courses.Motivation to Learn: Military NCOs are highly motivated to excel in their roles as leaders within the armed forces. Successful completion of the "Role of the NCO" course is essential to rank advancement and fulfilling their responsibilities effectively.


The instructional problem within this target audience is the need for a flexible, engaging, and comprehensive learning experience that effectively prepares military NCOs for the roles and responsibilities. Traditional classroom-based training may not accommodate the diverse backgrounds, schedules, geographic location, and learning preferences of military adult learners.

  • Equip military NCOs with the knowledge, leadership skills, and core competencies required to excel in their roles.
  • Enchance their understanding of the vital role of NCOs within the military hierarchy.
  • Foster a culture of continuous professional development and lifelong learning among NCOs.

Learning Goals

This e-learning module is designed as a stand-alone, self-pased course, but it can also serve as part of a larger curriculum for military leadership development. It includes the following sections:


  1. Leadership and the Critical Factors
2. The Professional Army Ethic 3. What it Means to Be a Professional Soldier 4. The Nine Leadership Competencies5. Developmental Leadership Assessment

This module utilizes a variety of instructional methods, such as video, case studies, quizzes and access to additional resources. Learners can progress at their own pace, with the ability to revisit sections as needed.

- Douglas MacArthur -

A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.

People are the Army's greatest strength and most important weapon system. The Army NCO Strategy will develop and empower NCOs to leverage their knowledge, skills, and behaviors to lead.

NCO Strategy

Leadership & the Critical Factors



Military Leadership, (FM 22-100)Military Professionalism, (TC 22-9-1)Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide, (TC 22-6)


Define leadership and identify the following:



Given course materials

Define leadership and identify the critical factors

Task Description: In this lesson you will learn the definition of leadership and identify the critical factors of leadership






  • 4 factors of leadership
  • principles of leadership
  • BE-KNOW-DO framework of Army leadership doctrine
  • Character of leaders
  • Soldier expectations
  • Planning and problem solving

Tips for Young NCOs

Here's the Drill

What is Leadership?

  • Leadership is an "influence process."


Leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction and motivation

  • Accomplishing the mission.

  • You provide purpose.

  • You provide motivation

  • You provide purpose.

Leadership is an "influence process."






Accomplishing the mission

You provide purpose.

You provide direction

You provide motivation

Review: Leadership

Leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction and motivation.

Check Your Understanding

Not all of us can or even want to join the military. But we can all learn from a quick analysis of the common traits that make the best military leaders so successful.

What Makes a Great Military Leader

  • The Leader
  • The Led

Four Factors of Leadership

The Leader

The Led



You must know the attributes of each of your soldiers. All soldiers are not the same. They cannot all be led in the same way. You must correctly assess your solderis' competence, motivation, and commitment so that you can take te proper leadership actions at the correct itme.

  • Meet the needs and goals of your followers
  • Assess your solders' competence, motivation and commitment
  • Create a climate within your team that encourages soldiers to dvelop their personal and professional goals

The Led

You are now in a leadership position. You are no longer one of the troops. You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can do. You must clearly identify your duties, responsibilities, and authority.


As a leader you must:

  • Assess your strengths, weaknesses, capabilities and limitations.
  • Ask your leader what they think your weaknesses are and work to improve them.
  • Control and discipline yourself.
  • Lead your soldiers effectively.
  • Treat soldiers with dignity and respect.

- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do becaus they want to do it.

All situations are different. Circumstances may be similar, but the situation is never exactly the same. You must consider:

The Situation

  • All aspects of the situation which affect mission accomplishment and the well being of your subordinates.
  • What works in one situation may not work in another.
  • The situation also includes timing. You must be skilled in identifying and thinking through the situation so that you can take the right action at the right time.
  • Learn from your mistakes and those of others.
  • We all make mistakes. Analyze the situation again, take quick corrective action, and drive on.


The exchange of information and ideas from one person to another. Effective communication occurs when others understand exactly what you are trying to tell them and when you understand precisely what they are trying to tell you.

  • You may communicate what you want by the spoken word, in writing, through physical actions, or through a combinaton of all of these.
  • You communicate standards by example.
  • You can learn to say the right things at the right time.
  • It is O.K. to say, "I do not know."
  • You must listen and understand what your soldiers tell you.
  • Explain facts and requirements without bias.
  • You should keep good eye contact when communicating.
  • Your communication can build trust and cohesion.

Idiscuss how effective communication can improve unit morale and build readiness.

Effective Communication

Let’s take a quick look at 11 Principles of Military Leadership and how civilians and civilian organizations might benefit from applying these principles. Although I am the first to admit that this list is not conclusive, I’m convinced that these Principles of Military Leadership are tools you can use to be a more effective leader in your family, at your job site, and in your life.

Principles of Leadership

Know yourself and seek improvement

Eleven Principles of Leadership

Keep your subordinates informed.

Be technically and tactically proficient.

Develop a sense of responsibility in your subordinates.

Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.

Ensure the task is understood, supervised, accomplished.

Make sound and timely decisions.

Set the example.

Build the team.

Know your soldiers and look out for their well being.

Employ your unit in accordance with its capabilities.

You have to understand who you are and what your preferences, strengths, and weaknesses are. Seeking self-improvement means continually developing your strengths and working on overcoming your weaknesses. This will increase your competence and the confidence your soldiers have in your ability to train and lead.

Leading always involves responsibility. You want subordinates who can handle responsibility and help you perform your mission. When you see a problem, do not wait for your leader to tell you to act. Your objective should be to build trust between you and your leaders, as well as between you and your soldiers, by seeking and accepting responsibility.

Your subordinates will feel a sense of pride and responsibility when they successfully accomplish a new task you have given them. As an NCO, you are a teacher and responsible for developing your subordinates. Give them more responsibility when they show you they are ready.

- Gather essential information before making your decisions. - Announce decisions in time for your soldiers to react. - Good decisions made at the right time are better than the best decisions made too late. - Consider the short and long-term effects of your decisions.

You can accomplish all tasks to standards that are required to accomplish your mission. You are responsible for training your soldiers to do their jobs. You develop technical and tactical proficiency through a combination of the tactics, techniques, and procedures you learn while attending formal schools, in your day-to-day jobs, and from professional reading and personal study.

Make sure your leaders keep you informed. Likewise, keep your soldiers informed. This helps them do what you expect, encourages initiative, improves teamwork, and enhances morale. Soldiers will obey your orders, but will also question things that do not make sense. They expect you to keep them informed and, when possible, explain the reasons for your orders.

Your leaders and your soldiers want and need you to be a role model. You must set high but attainable standards, and be willing to do what you expect your soldiers to do.

Your squad or platoon has capabilities and limitations. You are responsible for recognizing both of these. Your soldiers will gain satisfaction from performing tasks that are reasonable and challenging but will be frustrated if tasks are too easy, unrealistic, or unattainable. Include using innovative training techniques and performing under all weather conditions. Whatever you do, DO NOT lower standards simply because your soldiers appear unable to meet them. Your challenge as an NCO is to train to and enforce high standards of readiness.

You must know and care for your soldiers. You need to understand what makes them "tick" and learn what is important to them. When you show genuine concern for your troops, they trust you and respect you as a leader. If your soldiers trust you, they will work to help you accomplish missions. You must care for them by training them for the rigors of combat, taking care of their physical and safety needs when possible, and recommending appropriate discipline and rewards.

You soldiers need confidence in your abilities to lead them and in their abilities to perform as members of the team. You must train and cross-train your soldiers until they are confident in the teams' technical and tactical abilities. Your unit becomes a team only when your soldiers trust and respect each other.

You soldiers need to know what you want done, what the standard is, and when you want it done. Remember, they may need you to show them how to do the task. Supervising lets you know if your soldiers understand your orders; it shows your interest in them and in mission accomplishment. When you hold subordinates accountable for their performance, they realize they are responsible for accomplishing missions as individuals and as a team.

Leadership principles provide the first row of building blocks upon which our doctrine is built. Our leadership doctrine is securely anchored to these principles.

Be, Know, Do

Leadership Doctrine



Set correct example of individual value and resolve ethical dilemmas.



Knowledge is far more than memorization, it is understanding.

In order for your soldiers to believe in you, you must learn, know and understand.



Action is Key.

It is what an NCO does that is most important. You implement the orders and instructions of your platoon leader and platoon sergeant. It matters little what your MOS is, the requirements are the same. A leader must provide purpose, direction, and motivation.

Developing Leaders, provides a doctrinal framework for how leaders develop other leaders, improve organizations, build teams, and develop themselves.

Army Leadership Requirements Model

Be, Know, Do

As an NCO, you influence your soldiers in two ways: your character & your authority

Importance of Character





Quizlet Interactive AI Instructor

Quizlet Matching


Soldiers want to be led by NCOs who provide strength, inspiration, and guidance. Their assessment of your character will determine whether or not they are willing to trust and follow you.

Why character matters and why the Army must intentionally develop character

Character Development

Character Traits





The perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, but has to be backed up by action.

Empathy is being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well being of others.

Mature leaders do not make impulsive decisions based on emotional desires or feelings.

Doing your duty (what you ought to do) regardless. A disciplined unit is a product of disciplined leadership.

Appearance and conduct. Your personal bearing establishes the standard for your soldiers.




Ability to make timely and appropriate changes in thinking, plans, or methods when ou see, or when others convince you, that there is abetter way.

Ability to take actions that you believe will accomplish unitl goals without waiting for orders or supervision.

Steady or regular performance.

  • NCOs must understand the strategic environment, be able to think critically and creatively, visualize solutions, and describe and communicate crucial information to achieve shared understanding, collaborate, and build teams.

  • Intrinsic character includes humility, respect for authority, patience, self-control, discipline, empathy, positivity, valuing diversity and inclusion, and having a genuine concern for the well-being of Soldiers and their families.

A disciplined unit - one that does what it ought to do , when it ought to do it - is a product of disciplined leaders who instill self-discipline in their soldiers by example, standards, and training.


A compassionate response, tempered with common sense, is an example of responsible caring leadership. Your emotions are subordinate to your reason, and ou control or channel your emotions constructively to help and inspire others.


The perserverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. With practice, endurance, and an understanding of the task, you can and should have teh determination to accomplish the mission.


Capability to make timely and appropriate changes in thinking, plans, or methods when you see, or when others convince you that ther is a better way. Seek input from your soldiers and remain open and receptive to their idea.


Ability to take actions that you believe will accomplish unit goals without waiting for orders or supervision. Soldiers develop respect and trust for a leader who meet new and unexpected situations with prompt action. When normal resources do not support a situation, another method must be found to solve the problem.


Appearance and conduct. Personal bearing establishes the standard for your soldiers. Your manner should should reflect alterness, energy, competence, and confidence. Good NCOs know that their confidence in themselves, their troops, their equipment and the outcome of a situation is reflected in their soldiers.

Role Modeling

Steady or regular performance. You can't be up one day and down the next. Your behavior should be predictable so others know what to expect from you. You should treat all soldiers the same under similar circumstances.


  • You will be able to motivate your subordinates by being a positive role model who demonstrates good character traits.
  • You won't be able to change the character of all your soldiers, but you can influcence most of them.
  • Your job is to make good soldiersout of all your people.
  • You must give your soldiers confidence that they can develop their character.
  • Their belief that you care and want them to develop their character helps give them confidence necessary to become better soldeirs.

Military leadership is an influence process. One way an NCO can influence others is by displaying strong and honorable character. Your subordinates and superiors asssss your character by observing your actions.


Advice with an emphasis on Humility, Learning, The NCO Corps., Confidence, Commodities, Selflessness & Loyalty

Learn to be a Better LEADER

Soldier Expectations

As an NCO you must learn to fufill expectations of all soldiers, including other leaders.

Soldier Expectations

  • Demonstrate tactical and technical competence.
  • Teach subordinates.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Treat soldiers with dignity and respect.
  • Stress basics.
  • Set the example.
  • Set and enforce standards.

NCOs: Support At Every Step

- Cl. R.D. Hooker Jr.Association of the United Stetes Armyhttps://www.ausa.org/articles/ncos-support-every-step

"America’s victories depend on the professionalism and excellence of the Army’s corps of NCOs, the front-line leaders who lead the fight on the ground, in the trenches and at the tip of the spear."

They illustrate what you want to say. They allow you to add additional info.

Teach Subordinates

Use images in your presentation. They help to break the monotony.

Demonstrate tactical and technical competence.



The Professional Army Ethic


What It Means to Be a Professional Soldier


Include multimedia contentDiversity and fun are important to engage audiences.

Listen to MSG Nathan Hepfer talk about making that tough transition from being a Soldier to becoming a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). Great tips for young Soldiers, NCOs, and officers on making this tough transition.

Making a Successful Transition from Soldier to Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO)

The Nine Leadership Competencies


Developmental Leadership Assessment


In this video Command Sgt. Major Jimmy J. Sellers, commandant of The NCO Leadership Center of Excellence, talks about the relationship between officers and NCOs and how the trust exists between them has been cultivated by the NCOs who have come before us.

Officer/NCO Relationship

NCOs carry out this process by applying the Army's time-tested leadership principles, by applying the values of the professional Army ethic and adopting the personal values of commitment, competence, candor, and courage.

Leadership is an "influence process"

Interactivity and animation can be your best allies for making content fun.

Write an awesome title

Providing direction means giving your soldiers guidance and instruction. As a junior NCO you implement the orders and instructions of your leader: either your platoon leader or platoon sergeant. They key point to remember is that you must listen to your leader, support your leader, and help your leader accomplish the mission. You must recognize that your mission is normally only one part of your leader's mission. as an NCO you must know what has to be done and how to do it. You must then provide direction to your soldiers just like your platoon leader provided direction to you.

You provide direction

Interactivity and animation can be your best allies for making content fun.

Write an awesome title

What is a leader inside? What am I really about? How do I feel abou being loyal to the ideals of the Nation and Army? Am I really committed to the provessional Army ethic? Do my beliefs, values, ethics, and character really reflect what a leader should be?

Quizlet Matching


Use the following tool to practice and review important cncepts and vocabulary from Lesson One.

  • You provide the motivation to cause your soldiers to want to accomplish th e mission. As an NCO, a leader, you develop the ability to motivate soldiers until it becomes instinctive. There is nothing more natural for you than taking care of your soldiers, leading by example.
  • If your subordinates have confidence in themselves, each other, the unit, and you, they will be sincerely motivated. Knowledge and skill fight fear and increase confidence. Confidence is a powerful motivating force. It gives rise to morale, courage, and the will to fight.
  • Keep a broad point of view on human nature and motivation. Do not allow yourself to hold the narrow point of view that soldiers are ony motivated by fear of their leaders. It is equally dangerous to believe the opposite - all soldiers are motivated to work hard and do the right thing.

You provide motivation

You know the situation well enough to tell your soldiers why they are doing what they are doing.

Your provide purpose.

  • You get the job done by applying the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that you have learned since joining the Army. You learn in Army schools, during training, and on your own from reading. You take correspondence coures, go to school at night, and listen to the lessons learned by other soldiers.
  • In your soldiers' eyes, your leadership is everything you do that affects mission accomplishment and their well being.

Accomplishing the mission.