TTT October 17, 2023
Caroline Aycock
Created on October 9, 2023
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LightSpeed Classroom Management FAQs
Tech Tips TuesdayArchive
Digital Citizenship Week Resources
ISTE Standards
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NCSLMA Conference
DTL Team
October 17, 2023
Tech Tips Tuesday
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Coaches model digital citizenship and support educators and students in recognizing the responsibilities and opportunities inherent in living in a digital world.
Coaching - 4.7
Leaders use technology to increase equity, inclusion and digital citizenship practices.
Leaders - 3.1
Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world.
Educator - 2.3
Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
Students - 1.2
This week, October 16th - 20th, 2023, is recognized as national Digital Citizenship Week. The DTL Team has selected ISTE Standards that align with digital citizenship to bring awareness to safety, responsibility, and ethics in the digital realm.
ISTE - Digital Citizenship
Lightspeed FAQs
- Can co-teachers see the class within LightSpeed as well as the teacher of record?
- No. Only one teacher at a time can "observe and control" a class.
- Can you set a custom schedule within LightSpeed to automate the process?
- Yes. A custom schedule can be set within the Class Settings option. There are certain restrictions to scheduling, so sometimes an Adhoc is the best option.
- Can a non-teacher of record monitor a class? (Coach, Tutor, Long Term Sub)
- Yes. If they have a NCPS email address, they can sign in and create a custom class.
- What do I do if my Lightspeed isn't working?
- First, clear your cache, cookies, and history from your Chrome Browser. Then, submit an iiQ work ticket and email Caroline Aycock and Lindsay Jones. Sometimes, the DTL team will work with technology to help resolve the issue and a work ticket should be submitted ASAP.
Lightspeed Updated Presentation (Fall 2023)
October 5-7, 2023Ten NCPS Media Specialists, and an NCPS Digital Teaching and Learning Coach, attended this year's North Carolina School Library Media Association Conference in Winston-Salem, NC. These educators spent three days attending professional development sessions, author meet and greets, and keynotes from storytellers and school library leaders. NCPS Media Specialists serve a distinct and unique role in the education of all students as they are instructional leaders and literacy advocates, and work to collaborate with teachers on using library and digital resources to bring innovation and engagement to the classroom.
NCSLMA Conference
The Digital Teaching and Learning team strives to keep you in the loop with the latest and greatest in the realm of educational technology. Every other week, our team will send out Tech Tips Tuesday. If you haven't seen previous TTTs, we have linked them here for your convenience.
September 19, 2023
Previous Tech Tips Tuesday
September 5, 2023
October 3, 2023
April 25, 2023
Please reach out to us to support your professional development needs. We can lead PD sessions on topics including (but not limited to) Newline Interactive panels, ISTE Standards, student engagement tools, teacher efficiency tools, navigating specific online core resources, Canva, SchoolNet, Canvas, Google Classroom, and more!
Danny Plyler, Director of Digital Teaching and LearningCaroline Aycock, Digital Teaching and Learning CoachLindsay Jones, Digital Teaching and Learning Coach
Digital Teaching and Learning Team
K-2 Resources
Digital Citizenship Week Resources
3-5 Resources
Secondary Resources
- Common Sense Media Lessons 9-12
- Interland
- Common Sense Media Lessons 6-8
- Jigsaw Game -
- Common Sense Media Resources
- Common Sense Media Resources
K-12 Resources
- Promoting Digital Citizenship in Students
- Social Media & Middle Schoolers
- Meet the Digital Citizens
- Cybersecurity Essentials K-8
- Quick Activities K-12
- Be Internet Awesome - Google's Digital Safety Resources
Digital Citizenship Week Calendars (Embedded Lessons/Activities)
- K-5
- 6-8
- 9-12
- EdPuzzle Digital Citizenship Lessons