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Unit 2 Energy Week 3


Review the materials below to learn the unit vocabulary.


Watch the videos to help you understand energy.

Answer the questions to show what you have learned.


Complete this report after our lab on Wednesday.

Aspire to Do

Create a presentation about what you learned!

Due: Monday 10/16 at midnight.

Science Journal

Due: Monday 10/16 at midnight.

Week 1


What is Energy?


What is energy?

Light energy

Mechanical Energy

Sound Energy

Thermal (heat) Energy


Electrical Energy

Complete the NearpodCode- 4we7B

create a Presentation about what you learned!

Create a Video!

Make a Flip video about energy!

Create a Poster

Make a poster about energy!

Create a Song, rap, or Poem.

Make a song or rap about energy!

Create a Science demonstration.

Create a science demonstration about energy!