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Lauren SimonCI525

Gallery Walk

Compentency-Based Learning


Problem Solving

Standard Based Grading



Graphics made by Lauren Simon with genia.ly

Lauren SimonCI525

Gallery Walk

Problem Based Learning

Personalized Learning

Closing Thoughts




Graphics made by Lauren Simon with genia.ly

Competency-Based Learning

  • Competency-based learning helps students gain skills needed to work and live beyond school.
  • Competency-based learning focuses on the achievements of the students.
  • Students can take an active role in planning their learning along with the educator.

Discussion Question: What are some of the benefits of competency-based learning? What might some setbacks be of implementation?

Standard Based Grading

  • Standards-based grading allows for transparency in what the student's strengths are.
  • Grading becomes more meaningful and fair when showing what the student knows.
  • Standards-based grading provides equity by showing the student's mastery in a topic.


  • Metacognition is the ability to reflect and think about one's learning.
  • Metacognition can help students move from a stuck thinking process to being able to face challenges.
  • Students can gain self-regulation skills for experiencing unexpected challenges through metacognition.

Discussion Question: How can educators promote student usage of metacognition in their everyday learning?


  • Students who have practiced mindfulness have scored higher on tests and grades.
  • Mindfulness can support students in regulating their emotions.
  • Mindfulness can help students with their attention to a given task in school.

Problem Solving

  • Problem solving is usually embeded into social emotional learning.
  • Problem solving can be used in to support students in reading concepts such as decoding and comprehension.
  • A student that is using their problem solving skills are constantly utilizing their ability to self-question.

Discussion Question: What are some other ways that educators can use problem solving to support other subject areas?

Problem-Based Learning

  • Students engaged in problem-based learning utilize and grow stronger problem-solving skills.
  • Problem-based learning can lead to students performing higher on tests than students who have lecture-style classes.
  • Problem-based learning can be cross-disciplinary (reading and social studies) and incorporate STEM concepts.


  • Educators can use technology to help communicate with students about their learning needs.
  • Offering a variety of resources and forms of resources can help students find what they need to be successful.
  • Educators should think flexibly about multiple facets of an assignment, such as when the work is due and how the student shows their thinking.

Discussion Question: Differentiation can support all students. How can an educator use differentiation to help a student with a trauma background?

Personalized Learning

  • Much like differentiation, personalized learning allows students to show their knowledge and understanding in a way that suits them.
  • With the use of technology, personalized learning provides students with the necessary tools needed to support them through their learning journey.
  • Personalized learning allows students to create goals and take responsibility for their education.


  • An inclusive classroom is one where all students feel welcomed and cared for.
  • Educators can create routines and expectations in their classroom that ensure that peers or other adults meet the needs of every student.
  • Schools can support inclusion by creating an environment that welcomes all students and where peers are supporting peers.

Closing Thoughts

Program Essential Question: In light of what is known about how children learn, how shall professional educators best promote resilience and recovery for the children and their families who have experienced traumatic events?

These top ten strategies are valuable to educators to support all students with varying needs, including those who have experienced trauma. These strategies aid in providing the students an opportunity to take responsibility for their learning. They can do this through the educator's careful preparation of the student is learning environment. These strategies can support students in finding their passion for learning in different ways.


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