Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




By Rohan Jannu


Serious Moonlight

By Jean Bennett








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At this point in the book, the main character returns to her grandfather's home from her workplace, where she works the night shift. The narrator's detailed description of her home town stands out because it shows how important it is to her and how familiar she has become with her environment.This piece of text is crucial to the development of the story and the plot because it gives the reader insight about how the character feels about her surroundings, which play a part in her past. She feels a positive connection to her grandparent's home as shown when she describes the island as "idyllic" or peaceful. The author also uses the compare and contrast technique when she says that the island can be considered the 'Nantucket of the Pacific Northwest', meaning that the it has an abundance of boats and is home to duned beaches. The rest of the paragraph dives into the cultural aspects of the island, like the seafood restaurants, downtown areas, and other buildings which make the main character feel a sense of belonging. Although the character has not lived there for very long, her deceased mom grew up in the island, which prompts her to feel closer to her mom and recollect her memories.







By this point, the main character has gotten familiar with her new schedule and workplace, and she gets ready to leave after what she believes to be a boring day at work. This part of the text is important to the plot because it marks a change in the mood of the story. The main character talks about the boredom she experienced working in the hotel and how she tries to pass the time by reading. She leaves hurriedly and notices the dull, foggy air that surrounds the area.The author uses personification when she says that the chilly night air was wrapped in a light fog, and that the fog 'rolled' in from the bay. She also uses this figurative language when she says that the fog hung to the tops of buildings. This personification contributes to a change in the mood of the story because it introduces a new setting where fog is covering a lot of things. In foggy places where it is hard to see, crimes are more likely to be committed, which is why the new setting may come across as peculiar or mysterious, marking a new mood in the story. The author also uses the simile to compare the fog to a smoky halo, helping the reader further visualize how the fog encapsulates the entire area.


In this part of the story, the main character meets a character that she has had a love affair with in the past. She meets him when she goes to a bookstore and after seeing him, she hides in hope of him not noticing her. However, he ends up noticing her and saying hello.The author of the book primarily uses tactile imagery in the underlined paragraph in order to emphasize how the main character is affected by the other character. She says that her tongue felt thick in her mouth, meaning that she was having trouble coming up with something to say, and that a sickly sweat broke over her skin. Both of these physical symptoms can be caused by anxiety, which the main character clearly must have after meeting someone who she had a bad past with. The use of imagery is significant to the reader because it contributes to the main character's characterization as nervous and self conscious.


















In the underlined paragraph, there is a lot of dialogue from the main character's coworker. In the text, they are having a conversation about their backgrounds and where they grew up. The side character has a sarcastic tone when he talks in order to explain how annoyed he is of the elderly people in his neighborhood. The text states that he uses a "cartoonish, old man voice" to describe the community elders who do not let him have his music at a high volume. Additionally, he describes their dialogue as "turn it down, sonny boy" implying that although he is annoyed, he also finds it slightly humorous. This paragraph serves an important purpose because it helps the reader directly characterize this character as sarcastic and somewhat satirical. This is developed throughout the book, as there are many instances where he lightens the mood with his sarcasm.











Here, the main character is at home, and she gives the reader information about how her house is organized and how her home feels.She uses complex word choice like suffused and harsh in order to better illustrate how the morning light affects the sight of her room. She says that the light softens the harsh lines of her bed, and brightened the wild colors of the paintings lining the walls. In this case, the word wild probably means 'diverse', because she may be having a lot of colors in her paintings. Suffused normally means spread out, but here it probably means 'fill' because it seems more realistic in this context. The diction here is important to the story because it illustrates how familiar the main character is with her room. She has probably seen the morning light in her room many times, so she has found the perfect way to illustrate it for the reader.

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In this paragraph, the main character is with one of her coworkers with whom she had a love affair, contemplating why and how it happened. She tries to avoid this topic, but her coworker brings it up repeatedly, and at this point they have a heart to heart conversation about it. This part of the story is where the two characters begin to understand each other better, and even though they argue, they resent each other less after the argument.The syntax within this paragraph is important because it points out the main character's attitude about what happened in the affair. When she breaks down questioning her line of thinking and inability to connect with people, it shows that she is uncomfortable to talk about it and cannot handle the guilt which she carries. Additionally, after she asks these questions, her coworker becomes silent, meaning that he recognized her feeling of guilt and understood her better. The structure of the sentences, or syntax here, is repeated questions that are served to make her coworker think deeply, which cause the relationship between them to develop into something deeper, eventually leading them to solve a mystery together.


The End!