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Martin Luther's95 Theses




mission 2

mission 1




The term ‘Protestant’ comes from the protest of the Catholic Church. People who wanted reform were labeled protestants.

The initial protestants had no intention of breaking with the Church — they just wanted reform (hence, reformation). But the Church initially resisted these reforms, and excommunicated the reformers... forcing them to form their own churches.

Protestant Reformation

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Who Was Martin Luther?




What issue made Martin Luther upset with the Catholic Church?

The sale of indulgences

The appointment of bishops

The use of Latin in church services

Martin Luther was a Catholic monk living in Germany in the 1500s. He became increasingly upset with the sale of indulgences by the German priest Johann Tetzel.He felt that if a person could, in essence, purchase salvation, what was the purpose of ffaith? He also challenged that if a person could earn his salvation through good works, then what purpose did faith serve?He felt that the Catholic Church had become corrupt, and that God had called him to point out these corruptions.On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses (or 95 complaints against the Catholic Church) on the door of Wittenberg Cathedral, thus starting the Protestant Reformation.


Why did Martin Luther question the sale of indulgences?

he thought they were too expensive

he believed faith was more important than buying salvation

he wanted to become a priest

Martin Luther was a Catholic monk living in Germany in the 1500s. He became increasingly upset with the sale of indulgences by the German priest Johann Tetzel.He felt that if a person could, in essence, purchase salvation, what was the purpose of ffaith? He also challenged that if a person could earn his salvation through good works, then what purpose did faith serve?He felt that the Catholic Church had become corrupt, and that God had called him to point out these corruptions.On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses (or 95 complaints against the Catholic Church) on the door of Wittenberg Cathedral, thus starting the Protestant Reformation.


What did Martin Luther believe about salvation and good works?

Faith and good works were equally important for salvation.

Good works were the only way to achieve salvation.

Faith was more important than good works for salvation.

Martin Luther was a Catholic monk living in Germany in the 1500s. He became increasingly upset with the sale of indulgences by the German priest Johann Tetzel.He felt that if a person could, in essence, purchase salvation, what was the purpose of ffaith? He also challenged that if a person could earn his salvation through good works, then what purpose did faith serve?He felt that the Catholic Church had become corrupt, and that God had called him to point out these corruptions.On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses (or 95 complaints against the Catholic Church) on the door of Wittenberg Cathedral, thus starting the Protestant Reformation.


What did Martin Luther think about the state of the Catholic Church?

He wanted to become the Pope.

He believed it was perfectly fine.

He thought it was corrupt and needed reform.

Martin Luther was a Catholic monk living in Germany in the 1500s. He became increasingly upset with the sale of indulgences by the German priest Johann Tetzel.He felt that if a person could, in essence, purchase salvation, what was the purpose of ffaith? He also challenged that if a person could earn his salvation through good works, then what purpose did faith serve?He felt that the Catholic Church had become corrupt, and that God had called him to point out these corruptions.On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses (or 95 complaints against the Catholic Church) on the door of Wittenberg Cathedral, thus starting the Protestant Reformation.








95 Theses



mission 2


Select the correct answer

The 95 Theses were a list of 95 “issues” that Luther had with the Church.He pointed out some of the obvious corrupt practices of the Church — the sale of indulgences, for example. But, he also had doctrinal (fundamental belief) issues with the Church. These were the more serious, andmore dangerous challenges.One of the doctrinal issues he had was with the Church’s declaration that good ‘works’ was an integral part of salvation. Luther argued that ‘faith alone’, not any amount of good deeds or ‘works’ could save a man.Another major issue Luther had was that he argued that man could achieve a ‘personal relationship’ with God — without the assistance of a priest. This relationship could be achieved through direct prayer and through a reading of the scriptures. Thus, Luther, like Wycliffe before him, also advocated translation of the Bible into the vernacular (common language).

95 issues or challenges Martin Luther had with the Church

95 Doctrines that the church had

What were the 95 Theses?

mission 2


Select the correct answer

The 95 Theses were a list of 95 “issues” that Luther had with the Church.He pointed out some of the obvious corrupt practices of the Church — the sale of indulgences, for example. But, he also had doctrinal (fundamental belief) issues with the Church. These were the more serious, andmore dangerous challenges.One of the doctrinal issues he had was with the Church’s declaration that good ‘works’ was an integral part of salvation. Luther argued that ‘faith alone’, not any amount of good deeds or ‘works’ could save a man.Another major issue Luther had was that he argued that man could achieve a ‘personal relationship’ with God — without the assistance of a priest. This relationship could be achieved through direct prayer and through a reading of the scriptures. Thus, Luther, like Wycliffe before him, also advocated translation of the Bible into the vernacular (common language).

It could be achieved through direct prayer and reading of the scriptures

It could only be achieved through the assistance of a priest

What did Luther believe regarding achieving a 'personal relationship' with God?

mission 2


Select the correct answer

The 95 Theses were a list of 95 “issues” that Luther had with the Church.He pointed out some of the obvious corrupt practices of the Church — the sale of indulgences, for example. But, he also had doctrinal (fundamental belief) issues with the Church. These were the more serious, andmore dangerous challenges.One of the doctrinal issues he had was with the Church’s declaration that good ‘works’ was an integral part of salvation. Luther argued that ‘faith alone’, not any amount of good deeds or ‘works’ could save a man.Another major issue Luther had was that he argued that man could achieve a ‘personal relationship’ with God — without the assistance of a priest. This relationship could be achieved through direct prayer and through a reading of the scriptures. Thus, Luther, like Wycliffe before him, also advocated translation of the Bible into the vernacular (common language).

Faith alone, not good deeds, could save a person

Both good works and faith were necessary for salvation

What did Martin Luther argue about salvation?

mission 2


Select the correct answer

The 95 Theses were a list of 95 “issues” that Luther had with the Church.He pointed out some of the obvious corrupt practices of the Church — the sale of indulgences, for example. But, he also had doctrinal (fundamental belief) issues with the Church. These were the more serious, andmore dangerous challenges.One of the doctrinal issues he had was with the Church’s declaration that good ‘works’ was an integral part of salvation. Luther argued that ‘faith alone’, not any amount of good deeds or ‘works’ could save a man.Another major issue Luther had was that he argued that man could achieve a ‘personal relationship’ with God — without the assistance of a priest. This relationship could be achieved through direct prayer and through a reading of the scriptures. Thus, Luther, like Wycliffe before him, also advocated translation of the Bible into the vernacular (common language).

Luther believed the Bible should be locked away in churches

Luther believed the Bible should be translated into the common language

How did Luther's views on the Bible differ from the Church's at the time?








Primary Source: 95 Theses



IMportantRead me

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Read the excerpt and select the correct answer to the question


Men must be on their guard against those who say that the pope's pardons are that inestimable gift of God by which man is reconciled to Him;

People should trust those who claim the Pope's pardons are a special gift from God.

People should seek Pope's pardons for forgiveness.

People should be cautious of those who claim the Pope's pardons can make a person right with God.

People need to be careful of those who say that the pope's pardons are a special gift from God that can make a person right with Him.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?

Read the excerpt and select the correct answer to the question


Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without letters of pardon.

Any Christian who regrets their sins can receive full forgiveness.

Forgiveness for Christians can only be obtained through official pardons.

Official pardons are always required for Christians to seek forgiveness for their sins.

Any Christian who truly feels sorry for their sins has the right to be completely forgiven, even without official pardons.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?

Read the excerpt and select the correct answer to the question


Christians are to be taught that he who gives to the poor or lends to the needy does a better work than buying pardons;

Helping the poor and giving to those in need is irrelevant in Christian faith.

Christians helping the poor and those in need is a better act than purchasing pardons.

Christians should only focus on acquiring pardons and not on helping others.

Christians should know that giving to the poor or helping those in need is a better way to do good than buying pardons.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?


Checkpoint 1


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Christians are to be taught that the buying of pardons is a matter of free will, and not of commandment.

Buying pardons is a commandment that all Christians must follow.

All Christians should be educated by the church before they can buy a pardon

Buying pardons is a choice, not something that is required.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?

Read the excerpt and select the correct answer to the question


The true treasure of the Church is the Most Holy Gospel of the glory and the grace of God.

The Church's most important focus should be on rituals and ceremonies.

God's glory and grace are better understood through traditions rather than the Holy Gospel.

The Church's most important focus should be on the bible.

The most important thing in the Church is the Holy Gospel, which tells about God's glory and grace.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?

Read the excerpt and select the correct answer to the question


The treasures of the indulgences are nets with which they now fish for the riches of men.

The church uses indulgences to get the people's money

The Church uses indulgences to give money to people.

Indulgences are tools the Church uses to promote charity and generosity among people.

The indulgences are like nets that the Church uses to try to get money from people.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?


Checkpoint 2


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The indulgences which the preachers cry as the "greatest graces" are known to be truly such, in so far as they promote gain.

The indulgences recommended by preachers have no financial gain.

Preachers say Indulgences are the best so they can gain financially.

Indulgences are solely focused on spiritual enrichment, not financial gain.

The indulgences that the preachers say are the best are really just ways to make money.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?

Read the excerpt and select the correct answer to the question


To think the papal pardons so great that they could absolve a man even if he had committed an impossible sin and violated the Mother of God -- this is madness.

Harming Mary, the Mother of God, is not considered a sin.

The Pope's pardons have the power to forgive all sins, no matter how serious.

The idea that the Pope's pardons can forgive even the worst sins is difficult to believe.

It's crazy to think that the pope's pardons are so powerful that they can forgive even the worst sins, like hurting Mary, the Mother of God.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?

Read the excerpt and select the correct answer to the question


We say, on the contrary, that the papal pardons are not able to remove the very least of venial sins, so far as its guilt is concerned.

The Pope can forgive some small sins

The Pope can forgive serious sins but not small sins.

The Pope can not forgive any sins.

Actually, the pope's pardons can't even forgive the smallest sins.

What is the overall message of the excerpt?







THE fourth NUMBER IS 5







The Diet of Worms



mission 3


To face charges of heresy and explain his views.

To promote his religious writings.

The Diet of Worms was not a new way to lose weight! A Diet, in this case, refers to a congress or assembly, and it met in the German city of Worms.The assembly included the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V and a council of Church elders. Luther had to explain his views. He had already been excommunicated from the Church, and now he had to answer to the highest political authority in Europe.When asked to retract his views, Luther responded, “I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe... Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me.”

Why did Martin Luther have to appear before the Diet of Worms?

To challenge the Holy Roman Emperor.

mission 3


He agreed to abandon his beliefs.

He requested more time to consider his views.

The Diet of Worms was not a new way to lose weight! A Diet, in this case, refers to a congress or assembly, and it met in the German city of Worms.The assembly included the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V and a council of Church elders. Luther had to explain his views. He had already been excommunicated from the Church, and now he had to answer to the highest political authority in Europe.When asked to retract his views, Luther responded, “I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe... Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me.”

What was the significance of Luther's response at the Diet of Worms?

He stood firm in defense of his beliefs and conscience.

mission 3


He advocated for a new form of worship.

He challenged the authority and practices of the Church.

The Diet of Worms was not a new way to lose weight! A Diet, in this case, refers to a congress or assembly, and it met in the German city of Worms.The assembly included the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V and a council of Church elders. Luther had to explain his views. He had already been excommunicated from the Church, and now he had to answer to the highest political authority in Europe.When asked to retract his views, Luther responded, “I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe... Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me.”

What was the primary reason for Martin Luther's excommunication from the Church?

He supported the sale of indulgences.

















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