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Important Contacts

Hr Advisor Contacts

Attendance Policy

CCA Links

Career Readiness

Graduation Pathways


Agenda colores

Please use this infographic to help organize the information you need to know throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please reach out anytime!

MRs. Doutt's Homeroom Hub


Has your contact changed? Click on the link to update your info!

Tech Support: 844-590-2864 press 2 ccatech@ccaeducate.me

Contact INfo

Homeroom Teacher: Mrs. DouttPittsburgh Campusndouttwargo@ccaeducate.me412-530-1340 ext. 23276

Enrollment:844-590-2864 press 1 ccaenroll@ccaeducate.me

School Counselor: Alexei Krohakroh@ccaeducate.me717-7103300 ext. 27261Assistant Prinicpal: Keith Edmondskedmonds@ccaeducate.me


After an absence

Homeroom Monthly Call

Homeroom StudentsBook here

The call will be short and sweet chance to touch base, ask questions and address any concerns.



Click the link to schedule a recurring call the first week of each month so that you know when I'm claaing and at your convience.

Different fun activites will be offered. This is not for a grade or mandatory. Time: 11:20-11:50Where: Mrs. Doutt's Zoom room

Dates to be announced


‘Including quotesalways strengthens our presentation. Brek the monotony.’lways quote theauthor

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Progress Reports

CCA Field Trips

CCA Clubs

Career Readiness

College in High School

Career Readiness

Work Ready WednesdaysSee the image below for detailed schedule.

Career Readiness Dashboard

Questions? Contact:Stephanie McHughsmchugh@ccaeducate.me412-916-4550

Link to Dr. McHugh's Zoom Room

Dates to be announced

To manage a team, you have to listen.

Graduation Pathways

In addition to passing your courses & earning the required 21 credits, students must also complete a Graduation Pathway as required by the PDE. Students need to meet ONE of the 5 Pathways.

Interactive visual comm



OPTION #1 Keystone Profiency PathwayStudents muse score at least 1500 on all 3 Keystone exams.

THE OPTIONS BELOW DO NOT INVOLVE TKAING THE kEYSTONES, BUT RATHER AN ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT. *must pass the coureses Biology, Algerbra 1 or Algerbra 1B and English 10 PLUS ONE of the options provided:

OPTION #3 ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT*ACT, ASVAB, PSAT, SAT, ACT WorkKeys, AP courses, IB, Acceptance into 4 year institution

OPTION #4 EVIDENCE BASED 3 pieces of evidence, from several choices

OPTION #2 KEYSTONE COMPOSITE PATHWAYAt least one Proficient or Advanced Keystone.


Dates, locations and times to be announced.

Graduation Ceremonies

Each ceremony will be livestreamed & grads will have the option to particpate in-person or virtually

Got Questions? classof2025@ccaeducate.me