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Morning Sun

Loss of Identity


A Study In Scarlet

This piece of art is called Loss of Identity, which I believe fits well with type fours. I do not really feel connected to any identity, so I believe this piece helps connect me and my enneagram type. Another part of not feeling connected to an identity is feeling like you have no meaning nor place in the world, another reason why I feel like this piece really relates me to enneagram type 4.


Loss of Identity by Evrim Özeskici

In class, we learn Latin/Greek root words to help us in the future when we see words we don’t know. I’m very proud when I can properly use the knowledge I haven’t used yet. And to type 5s, their expertise subject (if they have one) is something they take pride in. However, I’ll take pride in anything I get a good grade on or do well on.

I like to think I’ve always been the type of person who likes to retain the things I have learned and “carry it around” in my head for years to come, and this is a trait most enneagram type 5s have. Another characteristic many type 5s have is when they immerse themselves in their observations and start “internalizing knowledge,” leading to internal victory. These two work hand-in-hand. Even though I can’t remember most of the things I’ve learned in my life, there is a time I vividly remember when I got to use the knowledge I was carrying around in my head and finally put it to use. Before I wrote this, me and my dad were using Chat GPT to generate random words, but my dad didn’t know some of them. However, with the handy use of learning root words, I managed to figure out what one of the words meant. The term was mellifluous, which I figured out meant a flowy song (for the most part). Mel was one of the root words we learned last year, meaning “song” and sometimes “soft.” Flu is one we learned last year and one of our current root words, meaning flow. I felt triumphant after success but celebrated too hard and fell off my couch.



In the photo, there is only one person and she is looking out the window. In the piece, Morning Sun, Edward Hopper uses the setting and people to show loneliness and isolation. A trait most type 5s have is isolating themselves from society. I closely relate to this piece because type 5s often isolate themselves. We might isolate ourselves because we don’t feel like we’re enough, but there’s more than one reason why we isolate ourselves.

Morning Sun by Edward Hopper


A Study In Scarlet

I feel connected with this book since I can connect to Sherlock Holmes, who is in almost every part of the book. I’m not saying I’m neither intelligent nor observant, but I believe I connect to some of his characteristics. He is said to be an enneagram-type 5w4. I relate to him because he started to panic and get fidgety when his idea/theory wasn’t correct, which I experience very often. He also locks himself in his room for days, isolating himself from things, a common trait for type 5s. If I didn’t have to go to school and be social 5/7 days a week, I think I would be like him, locking myself in my room and ignoring people for a few days.