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Play-Based Learning

Digital Humanities


AI-Mediated Learning

Project-Based Learning


Contemporary Digital Pedagogies



Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning (PBL) engages students in in-depth investigations or problem-solving activities that require them to apply their knowledge and skills to authentic situations, often working in groups or teams. These projects are often interdisciplinary and multifaceted, encouraging collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication, shifting the focus from memorization and passive learning to active exploration.



AI-Mediated Pedagogy

AI-Mediated pedagogy involves the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into the teaching and learning process, offering several benefits, such as personalized learning, adaptive assessments, and data-driven insights into student performance. It encompasses a range of AI applications, including intelligent tutoring systems and chatbots. Successful implementation requires careful planning, ethical considerations, and a balance between technology and human interaction to ensure that AI enhances, rather than replaces, the role of educators

Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities offers a dynamic and interdisciplinary approach that leverages technology to engage students in the exploration of human culture, history, and knowledge. Students can analyze large datasets, create interactive multimedia projects, and collaborate on digital archives, fostering critical thinking and digital literacy skills. Moreover, digital humanities facilitate the democratization of knowledge, as students actively contribute to the creation and dissemination of scholarly content.



Play-Based Pedagogy

Play-based pedagogy in higher education is an innovative approach that recognizes the inherent value of play in fostering holistic development while infusing joy into the learning process. Play in the classroom can take a variety of forms, creating active and engaging learning experiences that encourage students to explore, experiment, and interact with course materials in a way that fosters deeper understanding and creativity.



Mobile Learning

Mobile learning leverages the capabilities of students' smartphones and tablets to create interactive, collaborative and engaging classroom activities, such as answering polls or quizzes in real time, contributing to class discussions, or engaging in augmented reality activities. Mobile devices allow for class experiences to engage beyond the four walls of the classroom and use their camera, mic, and other apps to engage with the broader campus or world to capture photos, videos, interviews, and share those artifacts efficiently with each other and the instructor.





Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling leverages the power of narrative and multimedia to engage students in a dynamic and immersive learning experience. Through the creation of digital narratives using various multimedia elements like text, images, audio, and video, students express understanding of complex concepts, reflect on their learning journey, and communicate their ideas in a compelling manner, while developing 21st century skills such as digital literacy, creativity, and visual communication.