Emilia Kekalainen
Created on October 5, 2023
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Thinking deeper : 3 problems in hs from different perspectives
The Student Perspective:
The problem of cliques, & how they affect students
Problem 1
The HS Social Hierarchy
The HS Social Hierarchies
Problem 1
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What We Know
What We Want to Find Out
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The Parent Perspective:
The problem of disconnection & lack of communication with kids.
Lack of Communication w/ Kids
Problem 2
The Lack of Communication Between Parents & Children
Problem 2
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What We Know
What We Want to Find Out
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The Teacher Perspective:
The problem of student management & discipline in the HS classroom.
Student Management
Problem 3
Student Management & Discipline
Problem 3
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What We Know
What We Want to Find Out
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How Can We Find Out...
It's the learning environment that determines the success & motivation of the student to achieve
Susan Brooks
The End
- Lack of communication is more common than people realize
- Occurs in most families
- It's often a phase as kids turn into teenagers
- Lack of communication makes parents & children feel disconnected and unheard
- It changes relationships & dynamics between parents & children
- Conflict & lack of communication creates hard feelings for both parties
- This causes further problems
- Can be lonely for both parties
- Lack of communication may last forever if unsolved
- Sometimes to stimulate resolution & communication mediation is required
- Parents don’t always understand their children & vice versa
What We Know About the Lack of Communication Between Parents & Children...
- Do most people agree with this theory of a hierarchy in HS?
- How does this affect growth mindsets in students?
- Or their mindsets in general?
- What is the impact of these standards on mental health?
- How does the HS environment influence people’s character, personality, etc
- Or their future selves?
- Is it true that some people peek in HS?
- Are those people considered "popular" in their HS years?
What We Want To Find Out...
- First of all, it exists, although some may argue that it does not
- People outside of these cliques or hierarchies are often considered "outsiders" or "nobodies"
- However, they are normal & nice, just not considered "popular", but often considered strange or lonely
- There are levels to these hierarchies
- Those considered "popular" are at the top, & they are often not the nicest people
- "The top" is usually a single group or a few groups
- Being "popular" is desirable to many in the HS environment
- To feel cool & like you belong
- To be considered "popular", one usually has to be; attractive, funny, tough, mean, good at sports, etc
- These hierarchies are extremely cliquey
- Those "at the top" are often in the same friend group. It is hard to join these groups as they are tight-knit.
- There are many groups (i.e. jocks, nerds, etc)
What We Know About HS Social Hierarchies...
- Interview a teacher
- Interview a student
- Interview a principal
- Online research (links below)
How Can We Find Out About Student Management & Discipline...
- Interview current or past students to see if they agree with the concept of hierarchies
- Interview teachers to see if perhaps they have observed the hierarchy
- Survey students
- Study individuals / Case studies
- Online research (links below)
How Can We Find Out About These Hierarchies...
- How does lack of communication or conflict affect children mentally?
- How does the relationship between parents & children change with this?
- What can be done to resolve conflict and hard feelings?
- What are the effects of long-term conflict between parents & children?
- What are some factors that cause these problems or factors?
- How can parents avoid this?
- Or at least mediate it?
What We Want To Find Out...
- Students behave poorly in class sometimes
- Teachers don’t always know how to discipline their students in an effective manner
- Students who behave poorly are distracting to other students as well as the teacher
- Repeated bad behavior can take a mental toll on teachers
- Dealing with & disciplining students for bad behavior is time-consuming
- Students' bad behavior can be discouraging to teachers
- Outside factors usually cause poor behavior
- Troubled kids usually exhibit repeated poor behavior
What We Know About Student Management & Discipline in the Classroom...
- Interview a parent
- Interview a child
- Interview both together to get both perspectives
- Possibly a poll or survey
- Online research (links below)
How Can We Find Out About This Lack of Communication...
- What skills are taught in training to teachers to deal with students’ poor behavior?
- How does dealing with poor behavior affect teachers’ mental health?
- How does poor behavior in the classroom affect work ethic and attitude?
- (of both students and teachers)
- Why do students act out?
- What factors play a part in creating these behavioral issues?
- How do teachers deal with stress?
- What are the current solutions to poor behavior in the classroom?
What We Want To Find Out...