Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

An interactive image made to show my narrative.









A crevice was all it took for me to realise that Divyesh was storming into the classroom, quickly hanging the bathroom pass. So it was time to show Divyesh my loyalty… if anything were to happen, that is. The moment I thought, the same crevice helped me see something else coming out… After I quickly edged my eyes away from the hour-long gaming video and to the window, I noticed Srikar’s hands reaching out quickly. I smacked the notebook not too hard and stopped Srikar. Srikar had supposedly forfeited, and I had returned back to watching video games nonstop, smiling at Divyesh, hoping for a smile back. But three seconds later, there was an even faster attack from Srikar, this time going the same speed as me, lightspeed. We both touched the journal at the same time, causing a chaotic tug o’ war which none of the raiders saw.


Divyesh was approaching rapidly, and at his sight, Srikar had let go, which meant I had won the battle! I was hoping for a handshake with Divyesh, but I had gotten a “thank you” instead, which was good enough. The crowd had cleared as if they were cheering for Srikar, and I began contemplating. I really wonder what Srikar wanted to do. I think he was going to put something that’s either inappropriate or a reference, no matter writing or drawing… No matter, though, since the clock ticked a minute, and Divyesh came back to his seat, saying that watching the experience had given him faith in me--exactly what I wanted--and left him with a third eye on Srikar. Me am friend.


The theme in the end is that caring Loyal Guardians can make friends with each other quickly because they can find ways to be more friendly to one another.


Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky: The whole second paragraph: "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!" (2)Maybe this gets a bit too extremely referential, but this is what I have been thinking since the first time someone read this to me, so I don't really give a heck. The first time this was read to me, I liked to imagine the different monsters as fearful choices that might set me away from others, and that I was told to beware of them because I don't want to leave my friends.

Henry David Thoreau's Resistance to Civil Government: Thoreau states “if it [a remedy] is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.” (8), which relates to me because if I have a bad relationship with a friend, then I usually spend more of my time practising what kind of friend they want me to be, or break my own standards.

Unnamed piece of art by unknown person (shown in middle): This one most obviously fits my trait being caring. Although I don't treat friends like children, this one still best fits my trait because I care for people who are close to me, whereas most of the other pieces of art pertain to individuality and conformity.


At 12:30 PM, plus or minus a few, everyone had been going one too many directions and murmuring, and I knew something was bound to happen. I had already gotten an on-level grade on my history test, putting me in a bad mood since the start of the day, so I was quite worked out. I had been playing, watching, and goofing around with Divyesh, my desk neighbour, until he had to go to the bathroom. Because he had gone to the bathroom, like the type-six loyal guardian I am, I was keeping my peripheral vision on Divyesh’s supplies. As a bonus, for some reason, everyone else who was rambling and scrambling eventually raided our two desks, not even interacting with me. The more people that came, the more eyesight I pointed directly at Divyesh’s supplies, waiting for something to happen like a bloodhound.