2023-2024 Test Security Training
LaShawn Byrd
Created on October 4, 2023
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Other Roles
Before Testing
During Testing
After TEsting
Any incident that results in a deviation from documented test administration procedures
TEst Security WHY?
Why Test Security Matters
Technology Coordinator
Prepare the Students
More information
Reporting Missing Materials
Types of Irregularities
District Test Coordinator
School Test Coordinator
Test Administrator
Test Material Storage
More information
Testing Environment
More information
Prepare Yourself
More information
Prepare the Staff
More information
Prepare the Building
More information
Reporting Testing Irregularities
Check your Knowledge
Prohibited Practices
Testing Irregularities Resource Guide
Active Monitoring
No student access to electronic devices
Test Administrator
School Test Coordinator
Active Monitoring before, during, and after test administration will help avoid irregularities.
Test Security Guidelines
Test Security Guidelines
Sessions should be scheduled so that students have sufficient time to complete each session before lunch or dismissal
Secure materials
Test tickets, used scratch paper, test booklets, etc
Schools should schedule groups taking the same content unit as close together as possible.
Testing - Do Not Disturb
Signs should be posted on doors to rooms used for test sessions.
Secure materials must be stored in a locked location; TAs should sign materials in and out each day of testing.
Visual Aids
Remove posted classroom materials related to tested subjects
Early Finishers
Reading is the only activity allowed until all students in the room have finished the session.
Devices should be set up so that students are not able to view each other's screens.
No cell phones, smart watches, earbuds, or other devices with internet capability allowed in testing environment.
Cell Phones
TAs may use cell phones during testing only for communication related to testing.
Make-up sessions must follow regular session security guidelines.
Students may leave the testing session IF supervised by monitor or escort.
Taking any sort of image of test material is prohibited.
Question 1/10
True or False?
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
True or False?
Question 2/10
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
Question 3/10
True or False?
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
Question 4/10
True or False?
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
Question 5/10
True or False?
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
True or False?
Question 6/10
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
Question 7/10
True or False?
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
Question 8/10
True or False?
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
Question 9/10
True or False?
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
True or False?
Question 10/10
The following situation is an example of a TESTING IRREGULARITY.
End of the quiz!
No student access to electronic devices
Testing Environment
Students should not have on or near their desk or on their person, any unauthorized items, including scrap paper, tablets, laptop computers, cell phones with or without cameras, cameras, calculators, calculator watches, smart watches, media players, wireless earbuds, headphones, backpacks, and rulers unless any of these are required or permitted by standardized test instructions or non-standardized accommodations request.
- May serve as a TA for another class
- Main responsibility is knowing the content standards that students are expected to know, and ensures instruction and curriculum are aligned
- Avoids “drill and kill “which is not in favor of deeper learning that modern assessments measure
- Utilizes available practice items so students are familiar with tools on the test
Materials to be covered or removed
...any other materials that might lead a student to an answer
- Return all materials to the STC immediately after test session is complete. (This may vary by test schedule)
- Shred scrap paper.
- Ensures a student’s responses is a true representation of what the student’s own skills and abilities
- Ensures assessment data used for accountability are valid and accurate
- Ensures that test items can be used across years to allow for comparability
- Ensures investments of resources, time, and energy are protected
Why Test Security Matters
All students should have a fair chance to show what they know.
Will the test administration lead to student results that accurately reflect a valid and reliable measure of what each student knows and is able to do compared to NM academic standards?
- Knowing the best practices to testing
- Ensuring that new and returning staff receive the necessary annual training for administer PED provided tests
District Test Coordinator
- Inform them of the instructional alignment to the assessments being taken
- Communicate the resources available for students to practice for the assessments
- Communicate testing day expectations (where to go, how to behave, what accommodations they should expect)
Prepare the Students
- Oversee the setup and installation of the online testing software
- Collaborate with DTC to ensure computers/devices are secure, operating properly, and ready for testing
Technology Coordinator
- Provide localized test security training for all STC, TAs, leaders, proctors, instructional assistants, school staff
- Document participation in all trainings
Prepare the Staff
- Passes training from DTC to building team
- Plans details of administering the assessment
- Creating rosters
- Plans for the use of rooms, staffing, and accommodations
- Ensures signage is posted (e.g., “Testing, Do Not Disturb”; “No Printing Copies”)
School Test Coordinator
Ensure that no student can view another student’s computer screen.
Supervise students at all times.
No cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices.No talking during testing.
Do not share user names or passwords
Destroy used scratch paper at the end of the test
Follow all security policies and test administration protocols.
step 1
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in
step 2
DTC notifies PED by phone/e-mail within 3 days
step 3
STC/DTC Investigate to determine if incident is impactful or non-impactful
step 4
DTC completes irregularity report in the test coordinator portal within 10 days.
step 1
Report to DTC within 24 hours
Process for Reporting Testing Irregularity
Must be locked and secured by STC/DTC
Daily accountability
TAs sign out and check in materials, including student testing tickets, before and after testing
Reproduction of test materials is prohibited
Test Material Storage
Testing irregularities that do not result in invalidated tests.
Testing irregularities that result in responses that do not accurately reflect what a student knows and can do. These tests are almost always invalidated.
Example: Student has a cell phone and the opportunity to use it to look up answers.
Irregularity Types
Example: The wrong test is started by the student, or starting a test without the proper accommodations or accessibility features in place or given the wrong accommodation based on the IEP, etc.
Example: There is a technology outage during a test, but students are able to resume testing once the signal is restored, etc.
- using actual test questions to prepare students for the tests
- erasing students’ wrong answers and filling in the correct answers
- indicating the correct answers to students during testing
- allowing students to change answers after giving them the correct answers
- allowing students to discuss answers with each other
- Using accommodations inappropriately
If the investigation reveals wrongdoing by a TA, the DTC can recommend that the PED legal team complete a licensure investigation:
DTCs are expected to investigate and report the circumstances behind an irregularity and provide a recommendation about the decision to invalidate a test
- Attends test security training
- Prepares the testing room (e.g., covers posters that could serve as “cheat sheets,” ensuring test booklets have been assigned to each room
- Check for students who need accommodations and designated supports
Test Administrator
- Distraction free zone
- Cover all instructional materials and signage
- Post Signs:
- -Do Not Copy Test Materials
- -Quiet, Please. We Are Showing What We Know
Prepare the Building
- Role is to support the Test Administrator
- Attends test security training
- Ensures room is secure and fully prepared
Prohibited Practices (6.10.7 NMAC)
Using secure test questions, or altered version of the assessment
Revealing, copying, or reproducing secure assessment questions, materials or student responses
Repeated drilling of content identical to what is found in state assessments
Example - If a school uses released items or similar items that are parallel to state assessment items, this should be part of an instructional program, not drilling for the sake of attempting to artificially change test scores.
Placing undue stress on a student before, during, or after the test
Example - Encouraging students to prepare for an upcoming test by excessive practice or studying (such as well into the evening hours) or encouraging students to work beyond a reasonable effort would be another.
Testing Environment
Active Monitoring
Testing Environment
Test Administrators and Proctors must move through the room and monitor the students’ work area during testing; give full attention to students. The Test Administrators and Proctors should avoid distracting behaviors such as:
- holding extended conversations with one another
- reading newspapers or books
- eating
- working on a computer, using a cell phone, iPad, etc.
- tending to unrelated duties
- Check to be sure you have received all materials from TAs.
- Return all materials to the DTC once all testing sessions have been completed.
School Test Coordinator
- Develop a localized test security plan
- Identify local training structure and dates
- Identify who needs training; identify roles for each assessment
- Identify a place to store and lock-up secure testing materials
- Develop a chain of custody (sign-in/sign out) process
- Consider potential problems and develop solutions
- Establish a baseline of expectations for all stakeholders- support staff, students, and parents
Prepare Yourself
- The loss of secure state assessment materials is a breach of assessment security and must immediately be investigated and reported.
- TA must report missing materials to STC.
- DTC must also notify the vendor’s help desk and PED.
- Missing test materials should be reported as an irregularity.
- Exception to this would be ACCESS; WIDA has their own testing materials form
Reporting Missing Materials