Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Go-to-Market Design & Launch​

Objective​Deliver more value to customersHow​Design new model for how we serve our customers​

DRT Sponsor​Rand Ballard

Organizational Design​

Objective​Everyone knows where they fit in the organization in NovemberHow​Define roles, resourcing and organizational structure for all areas of our company​

DRT Sponsor​Patty Olsen

Performance Management & Total Rewards​

Objective​Every individual and team’s work is connected to our company goals​How​Align behaviors and incentives to reinforce the organizational structure and company goals ​

DRT Sponsor​Patty Olsen

Enterprise Management Processes​

Objective​Efficient and effective processes to promote collaboration and accelerate decision makingHow​Identify new ways of working across functions/business units through five cross-functional teams: Management Operating System, Packaging & Pricing, Go-to-Market Support, Capital Allocation, Data & Digital BU Support​

DRT Sponsor​Leslie Anderson

Operating Model Design​

Objective​Implement a new structure and ways of working to achieve our company goals​How​Manage design and implementation of the new operating model​

DRT Sponsor​Taylor White​

Change Management, Communications & Culture​

Objective​Employees understand the why, participate in the journey and model what success looks like​How​Equip leaders & employees through the change journey​

DRT Sponsor​Patty Olsen