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HIsorical museum

Amelia Lazzari


MLK death

Selma Martches

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Room 01

Martin Luther King (MLK) was shot and killed in Memphis Tennessee. At the time of the firing MLK was standing on his 2nd floor hotel room belcony. Martin was rushed to a nearby hospital where he later died, the cause being a bullet to his neck. Later that day police had found a rifle around a block from the hotel.

MLK Assassination

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3 marches took placce thrughout the year 1965. The goal was to bring attention to the rights of Africain Americains. The first march was on March 7th and the secound on the 9th. The last one wich was the most secsessful was highly protected by Martin Luther King.

Room 02

Selma Martches

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Room 03

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Greensboro Sit-ins

4 young black students protested by sitting in a whites only lunch counter. They sat there all afternoon without being served. This protest grew and grew untill finally the buesness intergrated due to the loss of money.





This is an image of Martin the day before he passed. After the assassination no one fufilled the role of Martin Luther King. Although the black community still were advocating for themselfs but they were embracing it instead of fighting for it.

1st March

The image shows the marchers being resisted by local police. They had used tear-gas clubs and horses to try to make the particapants retreat.

2nd march

The secound march simiar to the first was stopped in violance and martchers were attacked. The group calmly followed Martin and turned around to keep the event a non-violent protest.

The image shows the four men being attacked, having drinks dumped on them and, being yelled at by a group of White people. Could you imagine being in this situation. These men sat here for hours, day, weeks, untill it was intergrated.

This photo shows the belcony that MLK stood on at the time of his assasination. A bullet was shot from across the street and "exploded" in his face.

This photo shows the lunch counter the 4 men sat at. It is now located in a muesum in Washington DC, where many people can now view it.

Memphis Tennessee

This photo shows Martin in the march the day before. Martin arrived tennessee the day before his assasination. His motive was to prove her could lead a peicefull march, going on strike for sanitation workers

This imsge shows the 4 young men sitting at the lunch counter in a peiceful protest. They sat here for days, untill they went out of buisness or they seved these men.

3rd March

The 3rd and Final march was highly protected by Martin Luther King and they marched 54 miles. They started on the 21st and marched for 4 days untill the 25th. Finally on August 6th 1965, a law was passed to secure equal voting right for African Americans.