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selma 1965

little rock 9

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In 1960 The blacks in greensboro wanted to end segregation in the restaurants so they wanted to do peacful sit ins. So they went in and sat down all day and were just taking everything thrown at them and they could not do anything back. because they were doing a peacful protest and they did not watnt o paint a bad picture on their race. They sat all day an it snowballed into more and more people until the owners of the restaurants finally gave in and said that no more segregation but deep down everbody knew they wanted them gone.

The Greensboro Sit-ins

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The little rock 9 was a hand picked group of black students from dunbar highschool who were sent to go to there for a test to see how they reacted to blacks. The students at central highschool were not very welcoming to the new kids because they were blacks. The state of arkansas was not very glad to hear the news about the new kids because they wanted to still have segregation. The south was heavily segregated and they did not want to change it so they used violence. The national guard was sent to descalate the kids and the state and they escorted the kids in the school. But after that year the mayor of arkansas closed the schools for the next year.

little rock 9

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The national guard was sent down to Arkansas to de escalate the situation and calm the people down and escort the blacks into the school so they could slowly integrate.

the people were mobbing the little rock 9 and were spitting on them and yelling racial slurs at them and basically just doing everything to make them quit and go home which is not fun to go to which is why they chose brave students to go through this

The arkansas national guard was sent to block the kids from going into the school and it eventually escalated to the point here hundreds of them ere guarding the school.


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These were the 4 original starters of the sit ins and they were told by a black waitress that they needed to stop because they were making their race look bad.

this was the restaurant that the sit ins started and transformed into a big thing.

This was charlie bess and he participated in the sit ins and he was one of the starters who really led the movement.

The selma marches were a very violent and extremly succesful event. It took place in selma alabama and wanted to bring awarness to blacks not being able to vote. They were met with very strong resistance from the kkk who wanted to the segregation so bad that they were inflicting casualties on the blacks just to keep segeregation. The first march took place on march 7th 1965 and it did not go very far because they got stopped by violent racsists and were hit by baseball bats and by men wiht armour the march was only about a mile and got stopped at the Edmund Pettis bridge. The second march they got stopped agian but not by the racsists but by the army who were blocking the bridge because it was not safe at all for them to continue so again they were stopped at the edmund pettis bridge. But after the 2nd march they were protected by the army to walk all throughout the city of selma alabama and brought awarness to blacks not being able to vote and the acts to let them vote were passed and they were able to vote.

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Selma Marches of 1965

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This the edmund pettis bridge was where the first 2 marches were stopped because of their safety.

this was the sight of the first selma march where they were met by vicious racists.

This was the 3rd selma march where they were protected by the army on their march through selma.

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