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Syllabus and Course Information

SW 712: Social Welfare and Public Policy

The syllabus is your roadmap for success!. It contains valuable information about what to expect, important dates, assignments, grading criteria, and so much more. This interactive activity highlights important information however, you will want to read the entire syllabus so that you will be well-prepared for this course.

Attendance & Participation


Assignment Deadlines/Late Assignments

Signature Assignment

Types of Assignments

Textbook and Materials

Course Description

Click on each number below for more information.


  • Cheating – using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids.
  • Plagiarism – representing the writings, words or ideas of another as one’s own, or copying material from a resource without proper acknowledgement. The MSW program utilizes Turn it In for all paper submissions, and any score above 20% will be considered plagiarism.
  • Sabotage – willfully damaging or impeding the academic work of another person.
  • Fabrication/Falsification – altering or inventing any information or study aids. This includes falsification of academic records, forgery and modification of computer records without permission.
  • Aiding and Abetting – helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty
  • Turning in the same work in two classes without the express permission of the instructors.

Academic Honesty

Please send me a Moodle inbox message when you do not understand something or need me to clarify or answer a question. I check my Moodle messages daily, so this is the most effective way to communicate.

Ask for HelpWhen Needed

I often get student questions or complaints that could have been prevented by simply READING the class information.

Online students often encounter technical issues that aren't a problem in a traditional classroom. Don't let these issues be the reason you miss a class deadline. Dont' wait until the last minute!


Read Carefully

Check your Moodle inbox regularly. This is how I will communicate with you during the course.

Check MoodleRegularly

Extra tips for Success

  • Attendance & Participation (40 total points due weekly)
  • Quizzes (120 total points due weekly)
  • Weekly Discussions (80 total points due weekly)
  • Profile of Advocacy Organization (25 points due week 3)
  • Profile of Elected Official (25 points due week 4)
  • Group Activity Presentation (30 points due week 6)

Types of Assignments Attendance & Participation

Course Description

Introduces the historical context of social policy and services in the United States, the advanced analysis of current developments, and how social workers influence social welfare policy and provide social services at an advanced practice

  1. All assignments due in Moodle on designated due date
  2. Emailed assignments will not count as a submission
  3. Exceptions for missing deadlines may be considered for true emergencies if instructor is notified 24 hours in advance of the deadline
  4. Late submissions for Quizzes and Discussions are not allowed
  5. All assignments must be submitted by the last day of class
  6. Students with learning accommodations should make arrangements for assignment submissions with the instructor before the last day of class.

Assignment Deadlines/Late Assignments


  • Policy Advocacy Paper (100 points due week 7)
  • Letter to Legislature (20 points due week 8)
  • Pitch (due in class Week 8)

Signature Assignment

Textbook and Materials

Required/recommended texts, supplementary materials, online resources.The textbook and supplementary resources listed in the Syllabus may be purchased through the Fresno Pacific University Bookstore or any online retailer. Required TextLane, S.R., Palley, E. & Shdaimah, C. (2019). Social welfare policy in a changing world. Sage Publishing. ISBN: 9781544316185.

  1. Attendance and Participation grade is based on a weekly series of role plays and exercises focused on reading and lecture contents and the integration of social work content.
  2. Attendance: To earn full points students must arrive to class on time and remain until class is dismissed
  3. Participation: To earn full points students must actively participate in class discussion, raise thoughtful questions, analyze relevant issues, build on ideas, synthesize information from course content, expand the class’s perspective, and when appropriate challenge assumptions and perspectives

Attendance & Participation