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Black rights Meusium

Selma march

MLK assation

Little Rock

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Room 01

The Little Rock Nine was about nine kids from a all black high school went to a all white school. These students were the very smart, brave and can control there emotions. They told these kids to not fight back becuase then everyone would say blacks can not go to an all white school they are to dangerous. Once the nine enterd the school the were met by a mob. The mob thretand to move away if blacks went in there school.

Little Rock Nine

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Little Rock Nine Artifacts

Minnijean's graduation dress

Little rock central high

The gaurds of little rock nine

One millijean got news that she was going into the all white school she picked up this dress for graduation

This is the all white high school were the little rock nine went to. And this is the place they gradguated in

Thsi is a picture of the gaurds that protected the litle rock nine. The gaurds protected them from mobs of white people.

Room 02

Assassination of MLK

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Mratain Luther KIng got assassinated affter blacks got the right to vote after MLK's "I Have A Dream speach" The man got mad a shot him in the head .After the assassionation people decided to not use MLK's tecnuik by not fighting back. This group was know as the black power movement.

Room 02

Assassination of MLK

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Mratain Luther KIng got assassinated affter blacks got the right to vote after MLK's "I Have A Dream speach" The man got mad a shot him in the head .After the assassionation people decided to not use MLK's tecnuik by not fighting back. This group was know as the black power movement.

This is MLK's robe for when he was a pastor in the civil rights movement. Where he fought so that all blacks and whites would be equal and be able to live together

MLK Artifacts

MLK's robe Place of assastionation

This is were MLK stayed and eventioly got shot. This is in tennisie the lorraine motel

Gun that killed mlk

As MLK was standing on the second floor balcony he got shot. This was the gun that killed MLK

Room 03

Selma Marches

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In 1965 MLK led the selma marches. It started out with just adalts martching, Then they soon realized they needed help becuase there were cops and firefighters atacking them. So they acked the kids for help. The next martch there were hundreds of kid ready to march with them. MLK said that they do not fight back just to march. When everyone started marching police, and firefighters .beat kids with high pressure hoses and batons. The people were outraged to see how those kids were treated and finily they compleated the martch.

Selma March Artifacts

Picture of selma

This is where MLK and tons of other blacks marched for there rights. This is also where kids and adalts were beaten up

Pick of high pressure hoses

These were firefighters from the march. Instead of helping people they hurt them with high pressure hoses

Picture of march

This is a picture of the hundreds of people that perticipated in the selma march . They all got hure but they cept going