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Wednesday 4th October

GWB's open write out the correct spellings.

Choose the correct spelling for each of the 9 spellings below:1. Calendar or Calender2. Definitely or Definately 3. Tomorrow or Tommorrow4. Travelling or Traveling5. Noticable or Noticeable

6. Disappear or Dissappear7. Convinient or Convenient8. Deteriorate or Deterioreit9. Begining or Beginning

Monday 9th October

GWB's open write out the correct spellings.

Choose the correct spelling for each of the 9 spellings below:1. Calendar or Calender2. Definitely or Definately 3. Tomorrow or Tommorrow4. Travelling or Traveling5. Noticable or Noticeable

6. Disappear or Dissappear7. Convinient or Convenient8. Deteriorate or Deterioreit9. Begining or Beginning

Monday 9th October 2023

L.Q: Is Elliot Sutton: good or bad?

Go back to the PEE paragraphs that we started yesterday and continue. If you have finished go back over with a green pen and ensure spellings and punctuation are correct. Once you have done that think about what we have previously discussed about Elliot being a good or bad person. Look though the Books for quotes to support your view.

Group PEE paragraph

  • Working with the people on your table write a QUALITY PEE paragraph together.
  • Everyone must contribute to the paragraph.
  • You must all write the same thing, into your English books.
  • Ensure that everyone is ready before moving on.

- Write at least 4 sentences of explanation.-Try not to repeat yourself but give further analysis-Explain the impact on Elliot's character-Neat handwriting-Accurate punctuation and spellings

Use a P.E.E structure:- Point: Elliot Sutton is a good person, or Elliot Sutton is a bad person. - Evidence: A quotation that supports this view is, '.........................'- Explain: This quotation suggests that Elliot is a good/ bad person because....

PEER marking Swap your books as a group with another table. IN PENCIL, peer mark the other groups paragraph and discuss WWW and EBI.

Tuesday 10th October

Find your timeline.What other key plot events have happened since Elliot joined Holminster High?

English Books

Tuesday 10th October 2023

L.Q: How do the Guardians and their victims view 'punishments'?

The Guardians:(Chapter 8 and 9)

As you listen, make notes about everything you learn about the Guardians.

What did we learn about the Guardians?

What did we learn about the Guardians?

Class discussion

TASK: (Independent)Write TWO short diary entries*One in the Guardian's POV *One from Ben's POV

Success Criteria:

  • Include at least 5 sentences in each entry
  • Adapt your writing style to show the Punishers and the Victims
  • Include factual details from the novel
  • Add your own invented details
  • Accurate spelling and punctuation
  • Neat handwriting

PEER marking Swap your books with your partner. IN PENCIL, peer mark and discuss WWW and EBI. In GREEN PEN write:The difference between your two diary entries shows that....

What is the difference between the Guardians and their victims?

Class discussion

What is the difference between the Guardians and their victims?

Chapter 10

Thursday 12th October

  1. What is the name of the Games Master?
  2. What school year is Elliot in?
  3. What is Elliot's description of the student who is forced to take a cold shower at the end of the games each week?
  4. What is that same student's surname?
  5. What prompts the Guardians to summon Elliot for the first time?
  6. Which Guardian appears to be the leader?
  7. What are the names of the other two Guardians?

Starter in your English books. Full sentences.

Monday 16th October 2023

L.Q: How many 'Elliots' are there?

Let's read on.... Chapter 11 and 12

L.Q: How many 'Elliots' are there?

We are going to create a list of each different 'Elliot' and add a sentence to describe each one.

Find quotations which demonstrate each one.

Neat handwriting Correct spelling and punctuation

Extention: Consider the dominating Elliot.

How many 'Elliots' are there?

Class discussion

How many 'Elliots' are there?