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A futuristic simulation of colonization. Warning most if not all of the endings are not happy ones


Exploration Simulation

Welcome to Akidor



Try to find people
Look for resources
Set up a camp near here


Leave the planet
Invite them into your base
Fight them off to protect yourself


Your base was built on their holy site. They did not like that

You killed hundreds of them


Ignore them and hope they are too scared of you to attack again
Force them to work for you so that they can't attack you again
Ask them where the special rocks are and hope they don't try to lead you into an ambush


Work to learn their language
Demand they show you the rocks
Give them a gift of food


They are scared of your weapons and lead you to the rocks.You gather and send back to Earth. You become very rich

Leave the planet
Try to say hi
Fight them off to protect yourself




You build many factories and use the green people to work them. You make lots of money!

They were allergic to your food and everyone who ate it died


You find some blue people. It seems they know what happened to the green people and they are worried.


Work to learn their language
Demand they show you the rocks
Give them a gift of food


You find the rocks, but you are often attacked by the blue people. You never really make money or friends

They do not agree so you end up fighting them. The few remaining work for you now. YOu make some money

Everyone ends up making money. And you are able to get the cancer medicine to millions of people


Blow up the building
Make a trade agreement
Take over the building



You set up outposts and use the blue people to work them. You make lots of money!

You were on their land and now you are dead


The blue people fear you and give you whatever you want

The deal you make with the green people is not very fair but they don't complain too much and you are rich