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Who - Martin Luther King Jr.What Happened - He got assasinated by James Earl Ray When - April 4th 1968 Where- Lorraine Motel, Mephis Tennesee Why -because the group that killed him did not agree about what MLK said and did How He got shot at the balcony of the Lorraine Motel

Who The NAACP and the Board of Education What The NAACP was trying to get schools in the south to integrate , by taking the court case to court against the board When May 17th 1954 Where Topeka, Kansas Why So that schools in the south could integrate How The NAACP took the Brown V Board case to court

  • Who: The MIA started the boycott
  • What: The MIA decided to get buses to integrate they would boycott busing and start walking to places instead
  • When: December 5th 1955
  • Where: Montgomery, Alabama
  • Why: To get buses i the south to integrate

Room 01

Brown V Board of Education

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The Brown v Board of Education case was a court case between the lawyers of the NAACP and The Board. The point of the case was to get schools in the south integrated. The ruling on the case came out on May 17th, 1954. The lasting impact of the case is that it helped desgregate schools, and other high educations and public accomadations

Room 02

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Rosa Parks and the Montomgery Bus Boycott

The Montogmery Bus Boycott wa started by the MIA (Montgomery Improvement Accosiation) but really started with the acts of Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat to a white women. The boycott was made so that blacks would protest taking buses so that buses would lose money since they weren't riding the bus. The idea was that that if the bus companies were losing much money that they would have to desegregate the buses in order for everythign to go back to normal. The boycott lasted from December 5th 1955 to December 26th 1956. The long lasting impact of this is this helped jumspatrt many civil right acts and helped desegregate more transportation areas

Room 03

Martin Luther King Jr. Assasination

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The Assasination took place at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tennesee. The killers name was James Ear Ray and he was convicted of rist degree murder on April 4th, 1968. The assasination made a big impact on the world and inspired more people to believe in Dr. King, and his ideas.