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Changing the world through Black History

Room 03

Room 02

Room 01

Room 01

Here are some of the most important artifacts from the Bus Boycott and Rosa park's arrest.

Rosa Parks

Artifact 1: Police Reports.

All aboard!! Come on in and see the bus Rosa parks rode that night. See where she excactly sat!

Artifact 2: Bus where she was riding on.

See what Rosa Park's hobby was or maybe not hobby but some things she used to do in her free time.

Artifact 3: Swen Quilts by Rosa Parks.

Reports when she got arrested and went to trial for not giving her seat.

Artifact 1: Police Reports.

Artifact 2: Bus where she was riding on.

Artifact 3: Swen Quilts by Rosa Parks.

Room 02

Here are some artifacts from the sit-ins three teen black boys made to end segregation.

Greensboro Sit-ins

Artifact 1: Statue of Greensboro sit-ins

See the cahirs where these teen boys sat during this time!!

Artifact 2: Chairs Called: “forgotten 29”

Come see how these teen boys became famous and their group grew every day!

Artifact 3: News paper

A small statue remembering those three black teens that ended segregation in restaurants.

Artifact 1: Statue

Artifact 2: Chairs Called “forgotten 29”

Artifact 3: News paper.

Room 03

Here are some artifacts from the sit-ins three teen black boys made to end segregation.

March on Washington and “I Have a Dream”

Artifact 1: Paper with written speech

The sign people held while protesting

Artifact 2: Signs

Pins people wore to make other people see they were fighting for their rights and other peoples roghts.

Artifact 3: Badges, pins and tags

A small statue remembering those three black teens that ended segregation in restaurants.

Artifact 1: Paper with the speech

Artifact 2: Signs

Artifact 3: Badges, Pins and tags