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Alexis' Museum

Room 03

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Parks rejected a bus driver's order to leave a row of four seats in the "colored" section once the white section had filled up and move to the back of the bus

Rosa Parks and The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Brown V. The Board of Education

the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional.

a series of political protests against segregation by Blacks and whites who rode buses together through the American South in 1961.

Freedom Riders

+ Info

  • Rosa Parks 40,000 black bus riders. Dec 5 1995 Montogomery
  • invigorated the struggle for racial equality when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama
  • It leads up to them desegregating more and more things

  • Rosa parks was getting on the bus and going to sit in the white seats.

Room 02

Rosa Parks & Montgomery Bus Boycott

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  • Rosa Parks got arrested for sitting in the whites seat and refusing to get up

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Room 03

Brown v. Board

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  • The NAACP and Thurgood Marshall the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional May 17 1954 Topeka Kansas
  • signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States

  • This picture is when they decided to desegregate the schools and let blacks and whites go to school together.
  • This article is when the officially banned it and it was illegal

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Room 04

Freedom Riders

  • groups of white and African American civil rights activists groups of white and African
  • American civil rights activists who participated in Freedom Rides, bus trips through the American South in 1961 to protest segregated bus terminals. May 4 1961 southern united states
  • attracted the attention of the Kennedy Administration
  • It leads up to securing an Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) ban on segregation in all facilities under their jurisdiction

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With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

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  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

Let the communication flow!

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Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

Let the communication flow!

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Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight